Sometimes we use the same word for the act or practice, in writing, of committing (doing) something (usually bad) such as libel, blasphemy, plagiarism, misrepresentation, exaggeration, falsehood etc, and an instance of that thing. Words of this type can mean (without the article) the act or practice, or (with an article, pronoun or number) an example or instance of the thing.
So the word 'plagiarism' can refer to
1. The act or practice of the verbatim copying or imitation of the language, ideas, or thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work.
2. The material so appropriated.
In his essay Mr Smith is guilty of plagiarism, libel, misrepresentation, exaggeration, falsehood and blasphemy.
Mr Smith's essay contains a plagiarism, several libels, many misrepresentations, numerous exaggerations, a falsehood and a blasphemy.