I think their picnic area had to be further away with the lava in the background. You would think! Damn...Kilauea wasn't that active when I went there. Although you can, at your own risk, walk right up to the lava if you're so inclined. (As David did. Stupid is the word that comes to mind.) I wanted to take a photo of this one flow, but when I stepped on a piece of hard lava, I could have sworn I felt it move. With one foot on one piece and my other foot on a different piece, I realized that the "moving" piece was sitting on top of molten lava just like a little island. I had an image in my head of me sinking into molten lava, screaming and no one able to reach me. I skeedaddled outta there quick. Some day I want to go back though, hopefully to see something more active.
A bit of info about Kilauea...it first erupted in 1983 and has been oozing lava ever since, adding to the land mass of the island of Hawai`i (the youngest island in the chain).
Check out this web site for some awesome pics and video!