Quote:"With the death of Christ the only sufficient "burnt offering" was offered once and for all, and therefore the animal sacrifices which foreshadowed Christ's sacrifice were made obsolete."
So witches are allowed, we are all animals based on the book of Leviticus's
IDK, this may seem like a strange question, did you like Michael Jackson JG ?
He never grew up, he was into childlike things all his life, he wanted to marry but well, couldn't stay married as maybe the child in him that never grew up, could not be an Adult dealing with Adult life.
Just a question and remember, witches were burnt your "God" has said, Christ's sacrifice were made obselete.
Whilst I joke about the word, as people call me, I do believe in good and evil and so I do believe in the mentality of someone being called a white witch because they seem to constantly make a comment, answer and get, "how did you know that?"... I call it esp, whatever, or who knows....but I like the notation that people call me white witch, it's cute.