You seem to have lost other desires as well--like the desire to actually socialize with people because you enjoy their company, the desire to actually accomplish something instead of just thinking and taking about it, the desire to treat people as you would like them to treat you, the desire to be more accepting and less filled with self righteous anger and on and on...
Jason, you're just plain boring. In fact, I think you'd win the Most Boring Person at A2K award.
Your topics of discussion are incredibly limited--SEX, comics, cartoons, and the Bible. And you discuss those things in the most shallow and redundant and repetitive manner possible. Bor-ing!
Your alleged interest in the Scriptures is confined to a handful of quotes that you repeat ad nauseum. You are uninterested in actually discussing the Bible with anyone, you just want to parrot those few quotes. You make the Bible sound like a cartoon aimed at very little kids.
You can't even discuss comics and cartoons with any real knowledge or depth. You appear to need help with virtually every aspect of conceptualizing and drawing comics, and your ability to conceive story-lines is hampered by your lack of true originality and lack of knowledge and awareness of your intended audience. Why anyone would want to buy or read your stuff, if it ever materializes, remains a question you should give lots of thought to. Creative you're not judging by your manner of responding in threads, and by the over-elaborated trite story-lines and derivative characters you've described.
And you're as two-faced and dishonest as they come. No one posts a topic called Do Not Discuss Sex With Me except as an invitation to discuss sex. What else would you think would be discussed in such a thread? Do you think anyone here really cares whether you masturbate, or have sex, or are gay, or anything else you do with your pecker--or even if you think about such things? But you can't stop talking about them, and throwing in your Biblical catch phrases, because, if you didn't titillate, and provoke, that way, you wouldn't get attention.
Why you need all this meaningless attention is truly baffling. It's not like you are saying anything of interest, or expressing any well thought out opinions you want to share, or really want to engage in any sort of meaningful interchange with other people. You act like a sputtering cartoon character--you deliberately hit other people's buttons in order to provoke, then you flap around like an angry parrot spouting your rather comical anachronistic Biblical insults, turning the Bible--that book you allegedly hold sacred--into some kind of joke.
The value of your threads, and those devoted to you, seems to rest in the fact that they stimulate and allow others to be witty and playful and creative, which of course has next to nothing to do with you, since this sort of thing goes on in lots of other threads as well, except, in your case, you are so predictable, they can have their punchlines ready in advance.
Of course you're a troll. You've been doing this same rather tired act at other Web sites for what, nine years already? And don't stamp your little foot and whine that your past internet behavior shouldn't be mentioned. Things don't disappear in cyber-space, your history follows you around. And it all reflects a person who is clearly lacking in any sort of creativity because it is all so dismally one-note and one-dimensional. The last thing you should be planning is a future that depends on real creative talent.
Get a job working in the post office, JG, that would suit you to a T. And I am not meaning to insult or demean the good folks who work at the post office when I say that. But, in your case, it would provide you with meaningful work in a setting which wouldn't challenge your obvious limitations, particularly in the social sphere. And I am being quite serious about that. And nothing would stop you from working on comics or cartoons in your free time if that's what you wanted to do.
And stop starting these silly threads, like this one, that are either disingenuous, or which ask questions you could easily Google yourself, or which you really aren't interested in discussing.