Ike sent advisers to nam and you might have noticed that the words 'advisor' and 'advice' are related. The advisors came back with good advice, i.e. we don't want any part of this bullshit and Ike explained this to JFK right up there on the DIAS when JFK was being sworn in and in a perfect world that should have been enough, the whole thing would never have happened.
My brother spent a year and a half or so in Nam and he tells me the first thing he heard there from the lieutenant doing the initial briefing was something like
Gentlemen, despite anything you might have heard, there is not a single thing in this ******* place worth dying or getting severely injured or maimed over, the ONLY thing you are trying to achieve here is to return home in one piece a year and a half or so hence.
I mean, do you have any sort of a mental picture of anybody saying that or anything like that to the troops on D-Day?
Likewise if you have some overwhelming urge to rag on George W. Bush, you might want to at least consider making it relate to something other than what he might or might not have been doing while Nam was going on, that just sounds stupid.