Are atheists being more illogical than agnostics?

Wed 4 Dec, 2013 12:21 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Hinduism incorporates an "all men are NOT created equal" belief-

also, the caste system was NEVER by birth originally. every single person was schooled and according to their capabilities, they were put into different jobs. a servant's son could become king.

a famous ancient king of india named 'bharat', which is now another name for 'india', got his fame by naming a different person than his own son as the heir to the throne.. it was an adopted son who was just a commoner.

this idea, that whoever deserves the position should have it, is the foundation of hinduism. this is why they allow worship of any deities, and anything goes. jesus has been OFFICIALLY recognised by hinduism as one of its deities, because they don't care, everything is god.

so nobody was ever an 'untouchable' in india, until the brits came and introduced the word, and spread the philosophy that the servants are untouchable.
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Romeo Fabulini
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 12:28 am
RF proclaimed: "Well, Christianity is the only one with the Son of God himself as its central core, which kinda gives it an edge"
Carnatic counter-proclaimed: "ecause of this disgusting logic i can no longer take anything you say seriously. every religion claims a god"
RF said: "Buddhism was simply a human being (buddha) giving us his best guesses and hunches"
Carnatic pouted: "So was jesus, idiot...all violence in the world is by christians/muslims"

1- Other religions claim "gods" but they must be crap gods to let themselves be completely upstaged by a young carpenter!
And look at some of them, they're like a cross between a zoo and a freak show..Smile-

2- Unlike all other religions front men, Jesus was half-human, half-God which gives him an edge..Smile
3- True Christians don't do "violent"..Smile
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 12:59 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
1- Other religions claim "gods" but they must be crap gods to let themselves be completely upstaged by a young carpenter!
And look at some of them, they're like a cross between a zoo and a freak show.

firstly, none of the gods you pictured are hindu. not a single one. secondly, you are just proving yourself to be a judgmental fool by ridiculing gods.

nothing is upstaged by a young carpenter. jesus is as much a deity in hinduism as all the 'bad gods' that you ridicule. nothing is upstaged, because hinduism points to one truth - nonduality.
2- Unlike all other religions front men, Jesus was half-human, half-God which gives him an edge..

all other religions accept god as everything. you christians like to pretend it is your own special god. and the rest of the world will end up in hell. lawl.
3- True Christians don't do "violent".

tell that to the genocidal christians occupying the middle east. congrats if you are not violent, but your religion has created violence in many others.

number of violent people who identify themselves as christian = millions. same for muslims.

hindus/buddhists would be far, far fewer, but of course still existent, because violence is in fact a natural tendency of humans. it is just that usually intelligence overrides and finds better solutions. in the christian/muslim case, not so much..
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 03:35 am
Carnatic said: none of the gods you pictured are hindu. not a single one. secondly, you are just proving yourself to be a judgmental fool by ridiculing gods

You want hindu gods mate, here ya go..Smile

Hanuman the monkey god could get a job in a circus swinging on a trapeze--

And Ganesh the elephant god could star in a remake of The Elephant Man-
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 03:48 am
First of all, **** for brains, you don't need to call people names, just because you can't support the bullsh*t you are trying to peddle. And, no, that was not what you were saying. Hindus and Buddhists have engaged in warfare, so don't try to trot out some holier than thou bullsh*t that the historical record does not support. You're just losing it because you made a claim you cannot support.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 05:46 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
You want hindu gods mate, here ya go..Smile

no thanks, i didn't ask for any.

Hanuman the monkey god could get a job in a circus swinging on a trapeze--

ok? i am not against circuses.
And Ganesh the elephant god could star in a remake of The Elephant Man-

ok? i am not against movies.

0 Replies
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 05:48 am
First of all, **** for brains, you don't need to call people names,

nice logic
just because you can't support the bullsh*t you are trying to peddle.

not peddling anything, nor has anything i said been bs.
And, no, that was not what you were saying. Hindus and Buddhists have engaged in warfare, so don't try to trot out some holier than thou bullsh*t that the historical record does not support.

i said clearly, some hindus/buddhists may be violent. but ALL HISTORICAL records will prove categorically that christians/muslims are more violent by sheer numbers. you are a fool if you think otherwise. hahaha.
You're just losing it because you made a claim you cannot support.

what claim can i not support? hindus and buddhists are less violent than christians/muslims, as a generalisation. that is my claim. all evidence on earth supports it.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 06:52 am
That wasn't offered as logic. If you call me names, asshole, i will call you names. You have been peddling the claim that all religions believe in the same "god," which is synonymous with the universe. That is bullsh*t.

When Hindus expanded to the east and south, the former inhabitants just moved over and said: "Oh, sorry--here take our lands, our livestock our crops, we don't need them anyway?" When Alexander of Macedon tried to invade India, who was it who fought him? When Muslims invaded India, did the Hindus just say: "Oh, sorry--here take our lands, our livestock our crops, we don't need them anyway?" Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in the Punjab, and in Afghanistan? Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in Africa in the First World War? Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in Africa and Italy in the Second World War? Do you deny that in recent years, Hindus have attacked mosques and Muslims in India? Oh, what a lovely and peace-loving people they must be. If you want to make a case that Christians and Muslims are "more violent by sheer numbers," you will need to present the evidence.

I've got no brief to defend Christians and Muslims, clown, i'm an atheist. But i'm not going to swallow your unsupported claims. This is what you wrote:

total number of hindus/muslims/buddhists combined in the world significantly outweigh christians. all their philosophies ultimately boil down to a single unified 'god', which is defined as everything in existence. hindus call it brahman, muslims call it allah, buddhists call it buddhahood or enlightenment.

That is the claim you made, it's bullsh*t, and rather than defend or support your claim, you default to sneers and name calling. That's always a sure sign that someone in a debate cannot defend their position.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 09:08 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
1- Other religions claim "gods" but they must be crap gods to let themselves be completely upstaged by a young carpenter!
And look at some of them, they're like a cross between a zoo and a freak show.

Popeye is no more real than Bugs Bunny just because he's a cartoon of a man. They are both just cartoons. As are all the mythologies you are talking about.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 09:09 am
That wasn't offered as logic. If you call me names, asshole, i will call you names. You have been peddling the claim that all religions believe in the same "god," which is synonymous with the universe. That is bullsh*t.

i don't care bitch. hahaha. ok i will peddle the claim if you want. ALL RELIGIONS BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD WHICH IS SYNONYMOUS WITH UNIVERSE.

haha funnily it is actually true.
When Hindus expanded to the east and south, the former inhabitants just moved over and said: "Oh, sorry--here take our lands, our livestock our crops, we don't need them anyway?"

When Alexander of Macedon tried to invade India, who was it who fought him? When Muslims invaded India, did the Hindus just say: "Oh, sorry--here take our lands, our livestock our crops, we don't need them anyway?" Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in the Punjab, and in Afghanistan? Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in Africa in the First World War? Do you deny that Hindus fought for the English in Africa and Italy in the Second World War? Do you deny that in recent years, Hindus have attacked mosques and Muslims in India? Oh, what a lovely and peace-loving people they must be. If you want to make a case that Christians and Muslims are "more violent by sheer numbers," you will need to present the evidence.

hahaha you wasted SO much time to come up with examples of hindus being violent, when i have ALREADY CONCEDED there are plenty of cases. i am not even going to bother presenting a dumb **** like you with any evidence to prove that muslims/christians are more violent, because the evidence is too overwhelming to bother.
That is the claim you made, it's bullsh*t, and rather than defend or support your claim, you default to sneers and name calling. That's always a sure sign that someone in a debate cannot defend their position.

umm actually i continue to defend my claim, except that i CLEARLY ADMITTED I WAS WRONG about the muslims, something which you say i am incapable of. but i said yep i have no idea about muslims, then i realised they believe in a similar god to christians, like YOU SAID. i agreed.

god IS synonymous with universe in hinduism. buddhism drops the word god, and just creates a perfect universe.

islam and christianity seem to believe god is some separate being with intent and power to condemn to hell etc..so they kill each other over it.

finally, just to remind you, the gandhian movement in india is supported by the overwhelming majority of hindus. their entire philosophy is non violence, even in the face of death. you still want to peddle your idiotic ideas that hindus are a more violent culture than islam/christianity? hahahah idiocy amuses me!
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 09:24 am
"Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the Lord. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” (Jeremiah 23:24)

thats from romeo on another thread, but seems to prove that christians also believe god = universe.

i assume 'filling heaven and earth' means that god fills the entire universe? or is that wrong?

anyway, i just basically think anyone who can't tell god=universe is idiotic..
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 09:34 am
carnaticmystery wrote:
anyway, i just basically think anyone who can't tell god=universe is idiotic..

Does your concept of god have any consciousness to it?
Does your concept of universe have any consciousness to it?
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 10:28 am
By the way, Mr. Carnatic Mystery (yeah, we're all stupid, we don't know that refers to southern India), according to several sources online, the total number of Hindus in the world is 900,000,000 (950 million according to Religious Tolerance-dot-org), and the total number of Buddhist is given variously as 376 million up to 1.2 billlion (quite a wild variation). That means that the total number of Buddhist and Hindus just barely equals the total number of Christians in the world (given as 2.1 billion by Wikipedia). So if one adds the number of Christians to the number of Muslims--at least and possibly more than 3.5 billion--those two religions equal half the world's population. That's another nail in the coffin of your bullsh*t you've been peddling.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 10:34 am
Oh course, **** for brains, i am not defending Christianity or Islam on the issue of violence. That's not something i care about. I'm just pointing out that you haven't supported your claim. It wasn't hard work to point out how full of sh*t you are about Hindu violence--i did that off the top of my head. It's bullshit that Hindus are non-violent today, as well. When the Bharatiya Janata Party took power in 1998, violence against other religious adherents, especially Christians and Muslims, escalated in India.

Basically, your claim is the naïve, puerile claim of "everyone thinks like i do." You haven't supported that idiotic claim, you've just descended further into name-calling.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 10:35 am
Translation: you think anyone who doesn't agree with you is idiotic. Yeah, we get school kids in here with that attitude all the time.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 08:20 pm
Does your concept of god have any consciousness to it?
Does your concept of universe have any consciousness to it?

yes and yes. they are synonymous. the entire universe is self-aware, every atom and molecule has consciousness according to not only religious but scientific theories also.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 08:21 pm
By the way, Mr. Carnatic Mystery (yeah, we're all stupid, we don't know that refers to southern India), according to several sources online, the total number of Hindus in the world is 900,000,000 (950 million according to Religious Tolerance-dot-org), and the total number of Buddhist is given variously as 376 million up to 1.2 billlion (quite a wild variation). That means that the total number of Buddhist and Hindus just barely equals the total number of Christians in the world (given as 2.1 billion by Wikipedia). So if one adds the number of Christians to the number of Muslims--at least and possibly more than 3.5 billion--those two religions equal half the world's population. That's another nail in the coffin of your bullsh*t you've been peddling.

no it isn't you dumb ****. again, wasted your time. i ALREADY CONCEDED i was wrong about muslims. my claim was that hindus/muslims/buddhists together outnumber christians. once muslims were gone, i of course concede that hindus and buddhists are a minority.

SO WHAT? i don't care. they still have a better philosophy then the war lovers.
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 08:27 pm
Oh course, **** for brains, i am not defending Christianity or Islam on the issue of violence. That's not something i care about. I'm just pointing out that you haven't supported your claim. It wasn't hard work to point out how full of sh*t you are about Hindu violence--i did that off the top of my head. It's bullshit that Hindus are non-violent today, as well. When the Bharatiya Janata Party took power in 1998, violence against other religious adherents, especially Christians and Muslims, escalated in India.

my claim is that god = universe in some religions (probably all actually), and that hindus/buddhists are less violent than christians/muslims.

i have given enough evidence for these claims and will not bother anymore.
Basically, your claim is the naïve, puerile claim of "everyone thinks like i do." You haven't supported that idiotic claim, you've just descended further into name-calling.

no, i don't care if you don't think like i do. the facts are facts. if i was as IDIOTIC as you, i would go on google and find about 6823462345345 examples of muslim and christian violence. pretty much every country on earth has been invaded by christian populations in the past. and muslims love killing people too.

keep searching for the 3 examples in world history of hindu violence. have fun.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 08:28 pm
Translation: you think anyone who doesn't agree with you is idiotic. Yeah, we get school kids in here with that attitude all the time.

wrong. idiotic theory coming from an idiot. if you agree with me also i think you are an idiot.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Dec, 2013 09:37 pm
By the way, Mr. Carnatic Mystery (yeah, we're all stupid, we don't know that refers to southern India)

ok, so i put two words together to form a nickname. and you interpet that i am calling you stupid, and i think you don't know the meanings of the words.

furthermore, carnatic does not 'refer to southern india' , it is a type of music originating there. so google a little further next time.

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