Quote:The pint, which you sedulously avoid is that you identify yourself as very likely Indian with your screen name--and you have demonstrated that the assessment is accurate.
never avoided such a fact, nor do i care about your assessment as such.
Quote:You most certainly did make a universal claim. You stated that all religions were pretty much alike, that theists all believed in the same god and identified that god with the universe.
firstly, i never made any such claim that ALL religions, i said 3 religions, and then conceded i was wrong about some of them. nothing about that is universal buddy.
secondly, i would still claim that 'god=universe' is the intended meaning of god in all religions. only subsequent misinterpretations by people have made god mean other things.
you trying to prove me wrong about it in hinduism has shown me clearly that you will prove it wrong for all religions, so there is no point arguing further. your claim is that hindus believe in millions of gods, therefore god cannot mean the universe in hinduism. this is a classic example of the idiotic reasoning by which you must believe all other religions also do not think god=universe.
so you have fun thinking that hindus are violent killers, christians and muslims are peaceful saints, and nobody on earth thinks that god=universe because it is the most idiotic concept ever conceived.
and i will continue to know that in fact, the intended truth behind all religions is that god=universe. and i will continue to be neither a theist, an atheist or an agnostic.