But other towns are oh-so-close!
Maybe we should plan a trip up there sometime soonish?
There's a set of trails across the lake from my place but umm.. Ya gotta take the canoe across the lake to get to 'em.
I'd be up for a trip up North at some point (oddly enough that replys to the both of yas

I should prolly go check out those trails by me first. I haven't been on them yet. They might turn out to not be verra interesting. If the ice clears off the lake by this weekend I could run them Saturday morning.
humm..yeah, mayhaps checkin it out prehand would be good--no getting lost though
Hey all..... fishin - did you ever check out those trails? Maybe soon the ice will melt.
This year's first hike:
I went to the cape last weekend and walked/hiked with my parents at Great Island in Wellfleet. This is protected national seashore territory and was the site of a town long since washed away. There was a flourishing native population (Wampanoag -sp?) there as well.
The trail was 6-8 miles long (estimates vary as often they do). The Tavern Loop adds the almost 2 mile difference if you chose to walk it. The walk starts in the pitch pine forests on an old, unpaved access road. You then come to a narrow way between marsh and sand dune. Back up into the stunted pine forest and back out to marsh/sand again. At the end you have the option of heading out to a low spit, called Jeremy's Point, that you have to time with the tide so as not to get stranded. The way back is either through the hills or along the beach. We took the beach.
Sounds very nice...think I know where it is but, never been prowling over there myself.
It took 3 hours and we were all pooped when it was over. Walking in sand for extended periods is tricky. Especially when it's too cold out to go barefoot.
It was. I was impressed to hear my dad, who is a cardio-aholic, say it was probably twice his normal work out.
Well, I guess I have some work ahead of me try to keep up with ya
<picturing littlek & quinn1 pirouetting on a hilltop>
"The hills are aliiiiiive..."
Q - I'm thinking we may not get to the Blue hills until I already feel pretty well 'in shape' for Mt Washington. I think I will appreciate, later in the season, a stroll during which I can look around.
George - haha! Yes, we are soooo pirouettish!
Specially me...pirouetting is da bomb
Ice on pond is still present, thoughts are perhaps next weekend it might be clear enough to give a shot at BTW
No pirouetting in the canoe!
oh yeah, that would be bad
So, I heard the Fells are on for this weekend? I have 2-3 souls on board. When do we do it? I propose sunday.
<sigh> I've done so little hiking. I took my niece and nephew to a little patch of conservation land near Waldon Pond for a little nature walk last week. And, I drove through The Harold Parker State Park today. It's gawgeous.
I try and try to get my friends to hike with me, but they don't. Until they get boyfriends and then they hike with them. Grrr.
Anyway, I'm here to post a link to Harold Parker Park....
littlek, you would have been hard pressed to keep up with me as I hiked the mountainous terrain of Colorado and Utah. I was a veritable whirlwind of pulsating energy, taming the mountain trails and wowing the birds and beasts as I passed through.
It was a sight to behold.