Related to the above, what mame said about both of them being healthy as horses.
I worked at 2 different nursing homes for a few years, as the assistant to the social worker. I saw so many people, the spouses out in the community, get that deer in the headlight look, then shock, then fright, when they realized how much they were going to lose, because, well, we were both just so healthy, I didn't know losing so much would be involved, how am I going to get by?
In the U.S. medicaid looks back 5 years at your spending, to see that you haven't been just giving tons of money away to relatives. So anything we do now will begin to protect us in 5 years.
I say this not to talk about the process, but also to acknowledge guilt that I waited so frigging long to look at this.
As many of you know, Wally has had health problems. In the last year, he has made very good progress at getting back to the man I once knew.
If you had asked me 2 years ago, I would have said I didn't think he'd be alive today. He was killing himself, and not so slowly.
Doing this is also acknowledging that for how good he is now, there is of course going to be the inevitable decline, for both of us.
I sure can't lecture you mame, since I've taken my sweet time, but even strong horses step in rabbit holes.