I was raised in a very strict household, with strict relatives, strict teachers, on and on. I got to the university and I did not know what '****' meant. So, consider me the naive one walking around on two feet, quite confused.
Later, in the labs I worked in, people swore easily. It seemed quite expressive to me, and it fit with the era (late 60's, 70's), and seemed less phony than saying gee whizakers.
I still enjoy the odd swear now, many years later, and don't feel badly that you wouldn't like it. I did notice, that as years went by and I tamed my happy workplace swearing self, it would break out on occasion around the few people I knew who were phobic about swearing. One of my cousins, for example, she all about precision language, seemed to bring it on as a reaction to prissy.
I think I distrust gentility more than I do any swearing.