Spooky and Nermal would watch it intently. Maybe one would poke it with a paw, and if it moved they would both jump - the wrong way. It's nice having a couple of trained attack cats; let me tell you.
Here's a picture of one of the bugs I've had to get used to here in Arizona ...
And speaking of scorpions, here is my dear friend Mandy eating one on her visit to China.
Holy crap! I was out in the yard this morning and saw a swarm of insects, millions of them! Wasn’t sure what they were, my neighbor said they were subterranean termites, they will swarm this time of the year when the weather is warm.
Our house is treated so no worries here but I had never seen anything like it before! Looked like something from a horror film!
They die rather quickly, if they can't get underground their goners.