msolga, I'm one of those strange humans who doesn't suffer jet lag; I'm usually back to normal after the first night.
When I posted this thread, I had some inkling about the small number of a2k members in the land down under, but thought I'd give it a shot anywhos.
When people visit Northern California, I usually try to get a small group together for a Meet. Some of the Meets in San Francisco were quite successful with people coming from Canada, Boston, San Diego, Colorado, and Paris. Had some smaller ones when people visited from Chicago, Manchester (England), and the last one from Lippstadt Germany, Walter and Ulla (were here last month).
I also tell people to let me know when they plan a visit to Northern California, and I try to show them around in addition to having them meet a few a2k members living in this area. They're usually fun affairs.
I've also participated at a2k meets in London, Lippstadt, Chicago, and Austin. Met farmerman and Thomas in Philadelphia when my wife and I visit there a few years ago, and we met for dinner.
What I find amazing about meeting a2k members are that all are "above average" in every way - even if we disagree on some threads.