Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose direction and begin to bend. ~Walter Savage Landor
A promise made is a debt unpaid. ~Robert Service
The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on. ~Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it. ~G.K. Chesterton
“Blame it or praise it, there is no denying the wild horse in us.”
– Virginia Woolf
“We cannot negotiate with people who say what's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."
[ The Berlin Crisis: Radio and Television Address to the American People (The White House, July 25, 1961)]”
― John F. Kennedy
Be as beneficent as the sun or the sea, but if your rights as a rational being are trenched on, die on the first inch of your territory. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The hardest tumble a man can take is to fall off his own bluff. ~Ambrose Bierce, Epigram. (c.1906) Quoted by Ralph Alfred Habas, Morals for Moderns, p.214 [Source information per Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962) —tεᖇᖇ¡·g]
These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it. ~From a Charles Barkley commercial for basketball shoes, 1993
If you are physically sick, you can elicit the interest of a battery of physicians; but if you are mentally sick, you are lucky if the janitor comes around. ~Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)
"If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me."
----- Miriam "Ma" Ferguson, once governor of Texas
Man is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire. ~Robert Brault,
Laetare et bene facere . . . e lasciar cantar le passere!
Be cheerful, do good . . . and let the sparrows sing!
~St. John Bosco
A box of new crayons! Now they’re all pointy, lined up in order, bright and perfect. Soon they’ll be a bunch of ground down, rounded, indistinguishable stumps, missing their wrappers and smudged with other colors. Sometimes life seems unbearably tragic. ~Bill Watterson
Calvin & Hobbes was one of the best ever!
"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."
~Noel Coward
Do not call any work menial until you have watched a proud person do it. ~Robert Brault,
Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one. ~Chinese Proverb
We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. Ideas of the Stone Age exist side by side with the latest scientific thought. Only a fraction of mankind has emerged from the Dark Ages... ~Bergen Evans, "Adam's Navel," The Natural History of Nonsense, 1946