Why do atheist try to convert Christians

Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 01:08 am
It also, is a very real, legitimate position, you are also someone, who does not like confrontations....As I do not really know you, and this is the first time we have ever discussed things of philosophical nature...So I apologize, if I jumped the gun...As I said, I am not here to bring you down...

But in retrospection, Whether someone who does not like confrontations, or not...It still seems to me, in a non-confrontational way, you still made it sound as though, (in my opinion) you truly believed there is a chance you believe it actually happened....

If you were to say it in a non-confrontational way, and believed it was not real, I am sure, you are a big enough girl, to ask me questions, and back away from arguments...Or would have said something like, I truly do not believe this is the truth, but you seem to like to debate or get overworked about things, So I will just say I do not believe it is real, In other words, made some sort of mention, as to why you were taking the non-confrontational perspective...As it stands, it still looks to me...As though, you do not believe it is a lie, and that was the way you ultimately found peace with what I had said...

Just my 2 Cents

no offense...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 02:03 am
It was a silly question to ask because what else would there be then people talking about their conversion? You seem to think that there is some "other" method that would be acceptable but conversation with converts is not?

No, I am saying show me some...Other than Youtube...Or explain these dozens you say you have/ or would talk to about it...Tell me who they are, if on here, so I could talk to them, also....

Other than that, and if you can not, your claim is an absurd one, to claim that you think what you do about them, as well as Arts and Logic's posts as well...And "think" you are being honest about it...As of right now, you have shown me no credible evidence, and not even one case, where you have actually talked to one...And if you try to be clever here, and say you have talked to me...You do not take me serious...So that even furthers my point...If you do not even give an ear to me, and still "think" you can explain these occurrences...You're the one being dishonest, and making superior claims, that are grandeur in size...And whether knowing it or not, it is in fact happening...And I will continue to point it out as it happens...And it is not about me being any kind of victim...I am a big boy, have seen some horrendous **** in my day...this is small potatoes to any of that stuff...All I want is for you to answer my questions, rather than us going in circles about them...

It is absurd. You are shooting at nothing which is why I didn't take you seriously. This is just another one of your tactics to create unrational opposition. As if I am only allowed to provide some clinical study (as if i did you wouldn't accept it anyway).

Can you provide conversations or clinical things anyways? That is all I want to know? And yes, conversations then just boil down to speculative information, which would be erratic from one to another, not patterns, that is what I am saying...

One side, would claim one, and one side, would claim the other, and they would both be similar...that is why, it is silly, to try to gain substantial evidence from it...and shows that by best guessing about it, is even more irrational that it is to even go person to person to ask about these cases...

And science would equate nothingness...And ultimately the person who takes this "evidence" would still have to take it with a grain of salt...

And take a belief, opinion, or leap in what they believed about it....

If it was discussed by another atheist, they would probably believe it, if by a theist, they would probably think it is nuts, and the same exact, vice versa...Depending on what they where to what they say they ended up being...And what the other person/people are...

Yep and I say if a god exists and requires faith or blind belief in it or else be punished, is not worthy of the title.

And I say, If it ultimately does not go down like that at all...You are creating animosity, that you "personally believe" is correct, but will ultimately be unfounded....

As if no one can honestly prove a God, then also, no one, honestly, can say they know what God is thinking, either...

I guess you couldn't figure it out.

Yep, I have and do...

What you are requesting is non-sense.

Then just entertain me, and answer it...If it is so simple, and easy, to give me a satisfactory reply...

A reoccuring theme is something substantual.

I agree! So long as both sides of the equation, agree it is reoccurring, and substantial...Which I do not believe would in fact happen...

The fact that you don't accept it, means nothing to me.

I never said, I would not accept it, I said I do not believe it would happen, and you would not indeed see substantial patterns...other than one side saying this, and the other saying that...rendering it useless anyways, and all in the eye of the beholder as to which side is right...And even if you did see patterns, you are basing what "someone thinks" is a pattern or substantial...rather than actually knowing 100% if it is in fact real...It is like saying, If all the scientists got together tomorrow and agreed that aliens exist, but later just told everyone they were ******* with you...What would you say about it?? That is how much you can actually trust another human being...Scientist or no scientist...They are not the atheist perspective of Gods, no matter how much importance an atheist tries to say they act like it, or are...

That is just me being objective about it all...With no hidden agendas, and calling it exactly as I see it to be...And being unbiased...

I find it funny that you wouldn't accept these conversations as legitimate but you try to use your own testemony as evidence for your own belief.

Show me these conversations, if you can, or at least explain them to me...If not, you are just trying to argue rhetorically which you blast me all the time about...

Who can I genuinely trust, more than I actually trust myself?

You trust other individuals, more than yourself??

I do not believe that at all...Sure, they may alter your views...But it still is in the eye of the beholder as to what you actually believe about it/them/he/she etc...

At which point, it is still a belief, or a leap of some sort...that is all that I am saying...Which means, What God said, makes sense, because it is very practical in the world...even today, and even if others are in denial about it...

Gods never claim to go and try to 100% prove everything, and even with people doing it today, they can not fully prove everything...It is rather odd, that fable books, and Gods who are irrational etc...Got this right...And not wrong, if they are bogus...You do not agree??

You can't see the contradiction here can you?

It is not really a contradiction, as no one ever is going to fully believe someone else, over themselves...Sometimes, not even if it is substantial....

Do you believe, if Scientists "proved a God is real tomorrow" every atheist would drop their lack of belief? I do not! and If every Scientist "proved" God were in fact false once and for all, every theist would drop their faith? I do not believe they would do so....

So, it is not a matter of contradictions, or substantial proofs...It is all about your own mind, and what you believe is right...

And taking a leap either direction based directly upon what YOU BELIEVE is substantial or is not substantial...

Something very small could be substantial for you personally...And something that is very strong, could not possible do it for me...and vice versa...

It does not have to do with what science says, this may open your mind, and make you more self aware, as I can say the same about religion....(even though, you may make some superior claim, that it is not true somehow...And not even be aware you are doing it)

It all ultimately boils down to what you personally believe is substantial, and why, and you base your beliefs/lack of beliefs upon them, and very few will ever alter them based upon that/those things and experiences....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 02:05 am
Tell me what the youtube link is about...So I know if it is a waste or not...I genuinely do not watch much youtube videos...and you even said it is not a reliable source...

If it seems to have some sort of substance, rather than an opinion...or hearsay, or someone being outlandish, I will watch it for you and comment about it...
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 05:14 am
Tell me what the youtube link is about

It is about an amazing atheist and his journey to atheism. It kinda reminds me of your journey to atheism. Ryan if you are going to be intellectually honest about this, "you will have to try and be unbiased and watch the video link. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 06:38 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

It does not bother me, what your personal choice of lifestyle is...

atheism is not a lifestyle
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 06:43 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
So if they "believe" or think it is OK to have a rejection of belief, but pretend that they know what a belief is, and what it means

Belief does not only exist in the area of religion.

Atheists can believe in things (i.e. sunrise, the comparative value of dogs v cats, the correct cooking time for poached eggs). They can know, personally and intellectually, what a belief is.

Not believing in gods doesn't mean people don't know what it means to believe in things.
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 07:00 am
ehBeth wrote:
Atheists can believe in things (i.e. sunrise, the comparative value of dogs v cats, the correct cooking time for poached eggs). They can know, personally and intellectually, what a belief is.

And, we believe in the power of religious beliefs. There's no question that belief in an imaginary friend can have a profound effect on people's lives. But then again, belief in Santa Claus can have a profound effect on children's lives, too. That's no evidence Santa Claus actually exists. And the same goes for gods of any kind --- Zeus, Vishnu, Jahwe, you name it.
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 09:05 am
One of the principle sources for the Restoration (1660 when King Charles II and the Stuart monarchy were restored to England) was Bishop Burnet. Burnet once wrote to a friend that the king had a strange notion of God's love. He said that Charles had said: "The only things that God hates are that we be wicked and that we design mishchief." (Source in Antonia Fraser, King Charles II, London, 1979.)

I rather think the good Bishop and his acquaintance had a much longer list of what God hates. One didn't have to contract the plague to suffer during the Black Death--the same applies to mere proximity to true believers.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 01:46 pm
It does not bother me, what your personal choice of lifestyle is...

atheism is not a lifestyle

I do not know how you would like me to word it for you, so that you are not offended...As it is very difficult to do this, Honestly, without knowing what you actually are...and that is not a curiosity thing, that is me being honest and truthful with you about it...

I will say, thanks for the tip! But it did not really answer what I have said...

All, I am trying to say, is in a nice way...I like you for the person you truly are...

[/quote]It does not bother me, what your personal choice of lifestyle is...

[quote]atheism is not a lifestyle

[/quote]It seems rather odd, that Setanta says you are not an atheist...And you gave me that reply, just read it over a few times...You do not even have to explain to me what you do or do not believe/ have a rejection of...It is not important...

Just pointing out an observation...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 01:58 pm
Belief does not only exist in the area of religion.

Atheists can believe in things (i.e. sunrise, the comparative value of dogs v cats, the correct cooking time for poached eggs). They can know, personally and intellectually, what a belief is.

Not believing in gods doesn't mean people don't know what it means to believe in things.

Then, the same exact can be said about a theist understanding a rejection of belief...

And it is not irrational, nonsensical, delusional, illogical to do so...Even if it seems to be misrepresented...From an atheistic perspective...

As atheists, understand they know what a belief is...But are doing all those above things, When they misrepresent a theism, based upon a theist, perspective...As atheists, say they do not do it...

In other words, it simply can not be both ways for an atheist, If it is not for a theist....Or it must be both for a theist, and they are not being nonsensical, delusional, irrational, illogical, dishonest etc...And if an atheist claims it, they are thinking superior, either willingly, or unwillingly...

And if atheists disagree with this...This is just like what I have said before...That is them being in the luxury of evading such things, and the luxury, of playing the intellect from both sides...

And if they per port this Idea, I reject they are being honest people...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 02:04 pm
And, we believe in the power of religious beliefs. There's no question that belief in an imaginary friend can have a profound effect on people's lives. But then again, belief in Santa Claus can have a profound effect on children's lives, too. That's no evidence Santa Claus actually exists. And the same goes for gods of any kind --- Zeus, Vishnu, Jahwe, you name it.

So then, I can believe, people have the power of rejection of a belief, and what it actually can make you think...And the profound effect it has on people...

I can argue, there is "no evidence" that supports science itself, other than more science, right? to say it is actually correct, can't I?

So, it is still a leap...based upon your own thoughts...
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 08:23 pm
I can argue, there is "no evidence" that supports science itself, other than more science, right? to say it is actually correct, can't I?

The above nonsense is being written on a computer and send around the world by the means of the fruits of the science/technology that there is no evidence for.

Silly man with a need to believe in silly gods that as our understanding of the universe keep expanding seems smaller and smaller and smaller.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 08:38 pm
The above nonsense is being written on a computer and send around the world by the means of the fruits of the science/technology that there is no evidence for.

Could we have all of this wonderful science without a god creating it for us? Razz
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2012 08:43 pm
@reasoning logic,
Not if you belive in God.
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2012 08:55 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Most atheists, will try to think of a clever way of getting around that...

As if, philosophy, is not the start of science??

Which we can all read, based upon this great science that exist...(BillRM)

If a God is real, he created the very thing, "Science" that they use, to try to destroy him...And discredit him...
Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2012 08:57 pm
To Bill...

BTW...I never said, science does not exist, I said, there is "no other supporting evidence" for science, besides science itself, or more science, right?

Please listen, to what I am saying...

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 02:59 am
If a God is real, he created the very thing, "Science" that they use, to try to destroy him...And discredit him...

It could had been this strange fantasy creature the devil instead of god that creaed evil sciense along with seeding the universe with false evidences that the earth and the universe is over 10,000 years ofd.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 04:35 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I can argue, there is "no evidence" that supports science itself, other than more science, right?

Science doesn't need any evidence to support it. Science is not a belief or a theory. Science is simply a methodology for understanding the natural world.

Maybe you just misspoke when you wrote that sentence above, but your basic conceptual understanding of Science is screwed up if you think it needs evidence to support it.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 04:39 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
If a God is real, he created the very thing, "Science" that they use, to try to destroy him...And discredit him...
No scientists use Science to try to destroy or discredit God. What destroys and discredits simplistic visions of God is a better understanding of how the natural world actually works. Simplistic concepts of God crash into the rocks of reality for many reasons. Discoveries that come through science are just one of them.
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 04:45 am
You're wasting your time talking to Spade, he never listens.

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