Are you joking? A youtube video, is not substantial evidence....
Quote:Never said they were educating themselves. More than likily they arn't actually aquiring anything but instead they finally start to analyze their beliefs and their theology in a more rational way and when they do it starts to unravel.
I could see this as possible...because you embrace atheism, as a belief, or lack of belief...However I disagree with it...The same can not be said about you commenting about an atheist converting to a theism...It takes honesty to realize this...not superior thinking....
Quote:Most atheists that turn theist are convinced by something they didn't actually analyze. More than likily they were already half accepting an idea without considering it.
How can you "prove this to me"? The honest answer is, I can not...and it is my opinion...It is not a fact...I have opinions and beliefs just like you do, all though I say I do not...I have no idea what a belief is, as I currently do not have one!
Quote:Never said educated people can't be theists. However; rarely do they ever analzye their theology or their beliefs. They just let them be seperate to their educated views. If they actually did analzye these views they would more than likely change them.
And how can you "prove this for me"? the honest answer is, I can not, as It never happened to me, and I have never asked of one who says it has...
It takes a lot of audacity to "believe" you understand things in which you fully do not...
All you are doing is giving your opinion about it...Which is a form of belief, which again, you reject you have one...
Quote:Sure there is, but you want to be in denial of it.
I am not in denial about it...SHOW IT TO ME!!! I will watch it! A youtube video is not substantial....It is a website, that is unreliable, because somethings make a lot of sense...Some are completely out there....
You are in denial, because you know you can not "prove it" or show it to me, and it was an ill informed, guesstimate or superior thinking claim, which can not be fully backed up...
Quote:Na, it always comes back to this superior argument you make even though I have said on many occasions that don't consider myself superior in any way nor is atheism superior. You like this argument beause you always want to be the persecuted victim. Which is another coping mechnism of your theology.
The claim you have made, and are arguing, is a superior thinking claim...It has nothing to do with me thinking I am a victim, or am being persecuted, in fact, I believe, I have opened your eyes to something you were not aware of....
Quote:Hey if you were stepping off a curb into oncoming traffic, Id reach out or tell you to stop. It is no different here. Funny how you would think one is perfectly reasonable and the other is rude.
OK, so I said it a bit hasty, I am sorry...I do not believe, you guys know the answer to that question, and are just making gross erroneous claims, based upon superior thinking, in which you do, or do not realize you in fact do...But I will keep pointing it out, as it is done so, and needs to be shown...
Was that a better answer?
Quote:Sure there is a chance, but the chances of there not being a god is much greater. In fact there is really no comparison because its 99.999999% likily there is no god and only a 0.000001% chance that there is one. In my opinion of course.
And that is strictly your opinion...In which I believe the odds are the other way around...I do not believe you are being illogical, irrational, unintelligent etc....But I bet someone on the other side, can not stop themselves from saying such a thing! proves that that .000001% chance is probably right, even if it is that low...Which I do not believe it is...You can not prove a God, and you can not disprove a God...makes it 50/50....And all in your mind as to what you believe is real, once you make the choice, you believe in all of you, you are right...It takes an opinion or belief...
Quote:There you go again. Funny how you want toss me under the bus where I've already tossed your theology. As if by doing that you are saying, I'm just as guilty or wrong. You don't even realize you are making that argumen when you say things like that.
It is because that is not what I am doing...It takes an opinion or belief, one way or the other...that would suggest a God is right...and there is no reason to question anything else...But you guys insist on trying to validate something that can not be, nor ever will...as faith is not a provable thing...Nor is an opinion, or belief...About theism, atheism...
Your science can say whatever it wants to, and my miracles can say whatever it wants to...At the end of the day, it still takes leap in either direction to be at peace with yourself...theists understand this...Atheists, deny it even exists...
So I will trust theism's, and God...
Not science...and men...
Quote:When I am making statements they are backed up with experiences and conversations I have had with actual theists turned atheists. Not just one or two or three but dozens. When a reoccuring theme pops up you start to see a pattern emerge. This is what science does. I am not saying it is absolute fact, I am saying it is something that can be observed, and varified.
And can this be applied to seeing theists turned atheist? If it can, is it the same exact thing, as an atheist turned theist? If it is, how it is reputable evidence at all? If it is different, then please explain how it is?? And how that validates science, and atheism, more?
This is another, gross, erroneous, guesstimate...
As anyone can see, logically, it would be the
same exact thing from both sides!!
And science means absolutely nothing about it....
Nor, would it do any good, to try to use it, to show otherwise...
And furthermore, How many dozens of people, have you asked this about,
BEFORE you made those claims??