If these people cared... then they would respect my wishes and my beliefs. They don't.
Again, I don't care if you believe in the flying spaghetti monster. If I ask, then go for it. If I haven't, it's because I choose not to discuss it, get it?
I was brought up by very religious people. They didn't bother people with their beliefs. They were of the mindset that there are certain things you don't bring up in polite conversation. Sex, politics and religion.
I've blocked people on Facebook because I didn't want to see their
goofy messages. They are welcome to write whatever they want. I don't have to read it. I didn't go searching for it. It's my prerogative.
Here, though it's different because I choose to come here and discuss things.
I come here freely, to discuss whatever turns my fancy. In other words, I have invited all these opinions into my world. So, no, they are not jerks for writing what they believe. If they showed up at my door, uninvited and started spewing their beliefs, then yes, they would be jerks too.