Scientists is in a way are constantly on the lookout for your fairy tale god as if one case of the overruling or suspension of natural laws are found I am sure that is there would be mobs of scientists looking into the matter.
When there seems at the time to be a very very very tiny unknown force acting on two pioneer space probes years of work/research went into looking into the matter
Given that there is zero indication of such a supernatural being to date enacting with the universe it is hard to investigate a non-being or a being in hiding at least.
Where do you suggest scientists and or atheists begin to look for the tooth fairy or the Christian god or gods depending on how you count the three in one god other then the very details workings of the universe?
As far as leaf of faith in non-beliefs in gods given me a break did you need to have a leap of faith to dismiss the tooth fairy or the god Zeus for example as being at all likely a part of the real universe?
If and when there is evidence of some supernatural being showing up to place coins under the pillows of children or stop the sun in the sky then we will look into the matter.