Chights47 wrote:
I actually would like for you to go on. I do however, disagree with your statement. Generally, when people ask about the meaning of life, they're asking about purpose. What is our purpose on this planet, what are we meant to do here. There are a lot of other questions that go along with that as well. life doesn't really have anything to do with since it's more of a question of our consciousness and our interactions with the world around us. Life isn't meaning, it's what we do with our lives that is meaningful, our purpose.
Then perhaps the question should be about purpose; because while meaning and value are roughly the same in use, and what we value most we also find the most meaning in, the same cannot be said except as an abstraction of purpose... People who love Gold because of what Gold symbolizes: power, wealth, luxury, security also find their purpose in the accumulation of it, and find great meaning and value in Gold...From this perspective the Muslims are correct about us that we are infidels, slaves to them, because a casual look at our check books will tell what God we most prize... Yet; generally, we are a spiritual people, and have even went to wars of choice for spiritualism against nominally materialistic nations though it may seem a silly thing to fight over and kill for... Most of the goods for which this country was formed are spiritual goods, Moral virtues; and while they have not ever been realized, neither have they been defined... If we could define good we might pursue it, and have it; but short of a definition we might as well chase clouds of vapor... The reason the materialists win in this world is that what they seek is so readily captured, and what the spiritual seek is so elusive... What is happiness after all that government should care about it??? That man who seeks pure profit even if at the expense of the people at least can point to numbers on a page, statistics, results... Let the people chase their rainbows and see how far that gets them...