Wed 7 Jan, 2004 04:56 pm
Being new I hope this topic isn't a repeat.
It's a question I always ask when I meet other film buffs.
Mine was Abbott and Costello's "Buck Privates".
I wonder if it takes just the one film or many to start our
Also. I've seen a few topics I'd like to weigh in on but they
seem to have been dormant for awhile, is it worth my time?
Pippi Longstocking with bad overdubs.
Probably "My Friend Flicka."
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
Hmm, I'm not sure, but it may have been Mary Poppins. I definitely, though, have a very strong memory of seeing Island of the Blue Dolphins but I'm pretty sure that was later.
Welcome to A2k!
Either Mary Poppins or Sound of Music.
Story about Sound of Music. Mommy took my sister and I. We were pretty small then. Mom made my sister take off her undershirt because Mom needed a hanky.
Probably Bambi. I remember wondering "Why the heck did that stupid hunter shoot a doe?" (there was no legal doe hunting in Michigan at the time).
Most probably Dumbo was the first film I saw...not sure though...hmm interesting topic anyways
That's hard to recall as I've been going to movies since I was four years old. The first film I saw that impressed me was "The Third Man" in an old drive-in theater. It rained on and off during the film (maybe that added to the atmosphere?)
SealPoet wrote:Story about Sound of Music. Mommy took my sister and I. We were pretty small then. Mom made my sister take off her undershirt because Mom needed a hanky.

That's pretty funny Sealpoet!!!
Moms took me to see "Mary Poppins" when it first came out in the early 60's. I'm sure I must have seen movies on tv before then, tho but i don't remember. When was The Wizard of Oz first broadcast? Seems like I saw that every single year from the time I was born.
Every year at the Christmas party at the company hamburger worked at, they showed The Littlest Angel. Big old reels of film.
One of the dad's in the neighbourhood used to rent the Perils of Pauline movies and show them at birthday parties. I never really liked those.
The first movie I remember seeing on t.v. was Calamity Jane with Doris Day. Man, I loved that movie.
It was either Bambi or The Greatest Show on Earth. Doesn't really matter. Whichever one it was, I was hooked.
I remembered only the beginning of Bambi--with little Thumper and Flower. I saw the movie many years after the first time. Dead mother? Fire? Dogs? I must have suppressed it all.
The Muppet Movie.
Somehow my whole 1st grade class got taken to see it in the local theater. The first rented video I saw was "Herbie the LoveBug"--it wasn't VHS, it was some big, flat square thing the size of a pizza box.
Watership Down, I think I cried for the rest of the day!
The first film I remember going to was Elvis's "Blue Hawaii". My parents loaded the whole crew of us kids (8 of us) into the station wagon and we saw it at a drive-in.