"Yea, but make the most of the trip.
ENJOY your youth b4 u reach the age that u wish u had it again.
Life is about the journey, not the last stop.
The purpose of singing a fine song
is not to arrive at its final note.
The most important thing in your life
is that toward its end, u have as many GOOD MEMORIES as possible."
I agree 100% I try to live by this everyday, I know I suggested I don't, but I do appreciate every moment I'm in and make the best of it. I'm overall a pretty relaxed person and it takes a lot to upset me, perhaps the instances I do worry are when I have other people examining my situation and projecting their own worries upon it. :p
"I elect to show easier, faster ways to spell (foneticly),
in hope of correcting so much of the orthografic paradime
as is not fully fonetic (as set forth in my personal profile)."
That's awesome! I wish to join you, but being in high school still, I would probably be punished for such behavior.
(Could you imagine if i wrote (rowt) an essay with such words,
teachers would probably just see it as a lack of spell check on my part).
Are you alone in this movement? Or are there many followers?
Also, care to share how you select a certain part of a person's response and place it in the dashed-line box?
I have yet to figure this out.
I find throughout my day, I don't have many people to philosophize with. I am in high school and the only good conversation comes from teachers which obviously can't be my main source of conversation. I feel so separated to most of my fellow classmates as no one will engage in deeper thinking. When you recognize there is philosophy based off of your actions and realize by thinking about them can influence future actions, why do people still insist on only talking about the actions with the philosophy hidden underneath? Yeah, if you listen well enough you can uncover the philosophy, but by never being able to discuss it, it is as good as recognizing there is treasure in a chest but the chest is locked. So then how can you be sure the other person even has their own treasure? Once opened it could just be an empty box...
Anyone else in the same position or have experienced the same issue? Any advice? PLEASE.
Yes at times. It has happened with me. It's really hard when you are with people who always tend to wind up things on an aggressively heated up one sided take on things rather respecting other's opinions. The key to philosophize in a productive and constructive way should be an open discussion or debate about things around the topic keeping in mind that people are entitled to have their own opinions. It should be a healthy debate rather some ugly tantrum throwing meet. It's kinda funny but most of the deep discussions I have been with almost ends up in a sour note. It's kinda depressing at times.
I find throughout my day, I don't have many people to philosophize with. I am in high school and the only good conversation comes from teachers which obviously can't be my main source of conversation. I feel so separated to most of my fellow classmates as no one will engage in deeper thinking. When you recognize there is philosophy based off of your actions and realize by thinking about them can influence future actions, why do people still insist on only talking about the actions with the philosophy hidden underneath? Yeah, if you listen well enough you can uncover the philosophy, but by never being able to discuss it, it is as good as recognizing there is treasure in a chest but the chest is locked. So then how can you be sure the other person even has their own treasure? Once opened it could just be an empty box...
Anyone else in the same position or have experienced the same issue? Any advice? PLEASE.
your young , very young ,
Well, maybe the first of my followers
was Teddy Roosevelt, about 1OO years ago, when he issued an
Executive Order that fonetic spelling be used in the Executive Branch
of the federal government, but Congress stopped him.
There r a lot of texting people these days,
who like to write briefly.
north wrote:You make a valid point. Believe me, I have identified this and have made sure I am not purely obtaining facts without first putting them through my own filter.develope YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE FIRST
Philosophy is the way I think. I never have looked at things just through the surface, for what topic only consists of that?
The surface obviously is not the ultimate truth of the topic so to make a rational decision about the subject without diving deeper is to not understand the topic fully. I am able to surface back after diving, everyone needs a breathe of air sometimes. (or perhaps a tank of air so that next time the surface won't be needed for awhile)
While the desire to philosophize does alienate me from some anti-eggheads (mainly because of my pursuit of formal education), I'm happy to report that it connects me to others.
I have though looked at things through the surface , just to get my own perspective and understanding on purpose , which can lead to a deeper understanding , sometimes , not all the time but sometimes
because you can understand and ask , DIFFERENT questions
but when you find someone more well read than you on the subject ,you are discussing , quotes a certain famous philosophers that are regarded in high esteem , what will you do ?
Well, maybe the first of my followers
was Teddy Roosevelt, about 1OO years ago, when he issued an
Executive Order that fonetic spelling be used in the Executive Branch
of the federal government, but Congress stopped him.
There r a lot of texting people these days,
who like to write briefly.
I have been reading up on this all throughout today, It makes complete sense.
Its a wonder why it has not been converted.
Perhaps why people have not is because many function fine without the switch, although logic clearly presents flaws. This issue could relate on a grander scale to which the very act of living with (obvious) flaw (once examined) has been accepted, e.g. slavery. Or to the point where one may not even be able to recognize the flaw because it has been so accepted and their logic is no longer present. People use this spelling correction in texting because there logic is still able to shine through, what is scary is when this logic gives up the fight.
Your change in phonetics is much more than just a change in writing!
When examined, it can relate to many other topics.
logic vs familiarity - the psychology of why people will choose comfort instead of logic.
A way to create this mass movement is to first identify that by accepting a belief based on comfort can result in devastating results.
(relate back to the grander scale)
Because most people will see simply changing spelling as an unimportant change,
you must show them the connection between the same kind of thinking in a more important situation.
And by studying history in which mass movements of changing mindsets have been successfully changed could identify methods in which to do so.
Also look down upon your keyboard, did you know this defies logic too?
"So the story goes that he arranged the keys with the most common letters in hard to reach spots,
to slow typists down and try to avoid this problem."
^ problem identified in article.
Once pointed out to people that logic is what should be chosen every time, not familiarity,
is when you will be able to get people to listen.![]()
Also, thank you so very much for explaining how things work on this website. I appreciate it a lot!
I am now following you as my first 'friend' on A2K for the kindness you have clearly displayed to me.
but when you find someone more well read than you on the subject ,you are discussing , quotes a certain famous philosophers that are regarded in high esteem , what will you do ?
I have been reading up on this all throughout today, It makes complete sense.
Its a wonder why it has not been converted.OmSigDAVID wrote:That 's from inattention n laziness, imo.
Some languages r spelled foneticly.
Yes; e.g., I dislike the Metric System
because I learned n became used to the English system,
but I know that the Metric System (which rubs me the rong way)
is the BETTER system, being based on 10.
Thay put up quite a fite.
Teddy Roosevelt was a very popular President,
but he was ridiculed a lot for his advocacy of fonetic spelling.
Some of his hate mail on this subject is on display
in the American Museum of Natural History.
I 've gotten a lot of abuse about it too.
I consider it an honor
and I have reciprocated in kind. I still have a few more tips
to share with u concerning optimizing use of what the site offers.
Incidentally, let me point out that thru out the Earth
people in all states of mental health r represented; here too.
U will observe quarrels break out here and see people
be accused of idiocy. I suggest that u don 't take it seriously.
Think of that as u think of the annoyances of loud dogs in the street; loud but harmless.
I have an idea, a suggestion
that I wish that someone had mentioned to me in my youth.
It is good both for catharsis and for sharpening your memory
of the flow of events to KEEP a JOURNAL, updating each nite.
Some people say its as good as visiting a psychologist,
and less expensive.
U can check back on it years n decades later
and see what was on your mind. (I 've been astonished by how much I 've forgotten.)
U can prepare goals, a bucket list, n tentative
methods of achievement; erect a schedule thereof.
U can use your journal to write letters to yourself
addressed to each future decade of your life.
Ask: "how r u doing with the plans ?"
If u put it into a computer,
Don 't put all your eggs in one basket.
I have been reading up on this all throughout today, It makes complete sense.
Its a wonder why it has not been converted.OmSigDAVID wrote:That 's from inattention n laziness, imo.
Some languages r spelled foneticly.
Which languages? I'd like to look more into them.
And also it could stem from being overwhelmed by improvements. e.g., the advances in technology of cell phones or televisions. Every where you look, their are improvements being made in all aspects. The question is which ones to follow, for sometimes the improvement is faulty and will then be revised, making the conversion of a new idea a big waste of time. Having such an experience will definitely off put people from jumping on the train to a so called 'revolution'. And also will cause people to not even consider the idea, being that they are aware the next new improvement will come along in no time. So the fast pace of changing ideas definitely adds mistrust towards new concepts.
Yes; e.g., I dislike the Metric System
because I learned n became used to the English system,
but I know that the Metric System (which rubs me the rong way)
is the BETTER system, being based on 10.
Since this pattern can be seen in many different mediums, only changing one of the many patterns (phonetics) may not be productive.
For the same mindset will still be present in many different instances. In order to be productive, the other mindsets must be eliminated as well. (one step at a time)
What is seen on a smaller scale will reflect the decisions made on a larger one. So I guess even if the other similar mindsets aren't changed, at least you have one to look at (phonetics).
So first you have to identify where this pattern shows up, for it seems it is present in many cases. Do you know of any other examples?
Thay put up quite a fite.
Teddy Roosevelt was a very popular President,
but he was ridiculed a lot for his advocacy of fonetic spelling.
Some of his hate mail on this subject is on display
in the American Museum of Natural History.
I 've gotten a lot of abuse about it too.
I'd like to go see that one day (I've never been to NY)
Once pointed out phonetics is not just a change in spelling, I don't see why people would ridicule it.
Perhaps from refusal to see beyond its surface.
I consider it an honor
and I have reciprocated in kind. I still have a few more tips
to share with u concerning optimizing use of what the site offers.
Please feel free to share them, I'm all ears!
R u going to college? Choose one yet ?
For me, that decision was e z because I decided to become a trial lawyer.
I am planning on going to college, definitely. However, I honestly don't know where to begin with searching for the right one. My dad would really like to see me play softball in college, but I am still undecided if that's the right path for me. I really like philosophy and psychology, however, I want to enter a major which I will have a job guaranteed at the end.
I can see how it was easy choosing a college from the decision to become a lawyer.
I still don't know what my dream job would be, or what field to go into it.
So it's hard to decide on a college when those aspects aren't clear.
Incidentally, let me point out that thru out the Earth
people in all states of mental health r represented; here too.
U will observe quarrels break out here and see people
be accused of idiocy. I suggest that u don 't take it seriously.
Think of that as u think of the annoyances of loud dogs in the street; loud but harmless.
Thank you for the heads up. What about this quote to relate,
"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength." -Eric Hoffer