Tifinden wrote:Someone who can hardly spell "you" has no use for orders,
whether abided by or negated, for their first task is to master simplistic grammar.
Its hard to believe that anyone whose grammar is so defective
as to be
inconsistent qua number ("some
one" modified by
"their" a plural pronoun)
will be so bold as to instruct as to grammar!!
That 's good for a
laff (not "laugh").
Multiple be the chuckles!
For several years, since around 2OOO, I have been posting
in fonetic spelling (to a limited extent) in an effort
to show faster, easier n more convenient ways of spelling,
thereby to accelerate abandonment of atavistic throwbacks
to earlier uses of English, when it was closer to its Germanic origins.
For instance: I discourage jamming any Ls into wud, shud or cud
and I suggest that the letters UGH not be added to the word tho.
Incidentally, I detect uncommon hostility from u.
Possibly, u might consider visiting a
psychiatrist to restore your mental health. Good Luck with that.