Setanta wrote:
In other words, you can't come up with your alleged contradiction. I'm content to wait, despite your snide insults. It won't change the undeniable fact that you won't find that contradiction.
It would help you not to make **** up.
There is the contradiction between the allowance of slavery and the blessings of liberty...
There is the contradiction between perfect union, and a divided government, and one with the senate which was meant to stiffle democracy...
There is a contradiction in the power of congress to make rules for government, which along with the separation of powers was the excuse the Supreme Court used to pass on the House of Representatives limits on the number of its members, because if government is its own ruler then the people are not, and not one goal of the preamble, which are all good goals will ever be reached...
The idea current at the time was that people were not only entitled to by ruled, but were entitled to good government which was conducive to their happiness, and the Declaration of Independence says as much, that the pursuit of happiness is a right, but this is not much of an addition to what Aristotle says, that governments are formed for good which he judges so because good is the goal of all human activity... And the preamble sets forth those goals in detail, but then sweeps the means of reaching those goals out of the reach of the people... Was there any reason representation should have been based upon the number of slaves to any degree since not they, but their owners were represented... Is there any reason slavery should have been allowed at all when right from the start there were doubts about its moral acceptiblity??? Can anyone, or any nation in moral conflict be tranquil... The anti democratic forces empowered by the constitution have only grown stronger.. As Jefferson feared, the power to run deficites has led to military adventures abroad, and as he predicted, it would be run up by the rich and loaded on the backs of working people... To pay off the debt, a sovereign Nation of Cherrokees was dispossessed and was moved to Oklahoma... It is to pay off debts that the commonwealth is always put in private hands, and no one can say there by in what fashion the goals of the Preamble of the Constitution are reached...
Government that is not directly responsible to the people will never be responsive to their needs... Congress has found it can go around the people and act outside of the constitution in making its own rules, and its rules have empowered parties which are not recognized by the constitution except as freedom of assembly, and yet the people have no power to get rid of these pest, and they provide another level of inertia to a government provided at birth with inertia to democracy... People, if they would have the good government the Preamble demands need a government which will respond to their needs and change to suit changing circumstances... Look at the wars we have gotten into, or been brought into by the rich, or been unpreppared for financially because of the demands of the rich through their parties... Defense is where the preamble has come closest to being met by the actions of government, and there its failure has been absolute... The death of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans can be laid squarely at the failures of the constitution to deliver good government as promised, and to promise what it had already sold cheap to the rich... We cannot have government by the rich without the rich one day owning all, and making lords of themselves... The poor must govern the rich, and the rich must struggle to show they are entitled to their wealth or it must be returned to the commonwealth...