I'm spoiled by "VIP" theaters here (they cost less than American regular theaters) where you have numbered seating (in recliners) and waiter service. Last time I bought tickets and got in line at a regular theater I ended up dumping my popcorn and drinks in the trash and walking away because I couldn't even handle the line. So my way is to avoid the stupid crowds altogether and pay for the convenience of not having fewer and more considerate people to share the theater with. At the theaters I go to I never have to get in a line and can't recommend the recliners enough (plus the waiters are pretty cool, not having to carry popcorn around etc).
If that is as cost-prohibitive as I imagine it to be in America or otherwise not available I'd ask the people to stop if it were possible to do without making a greater disturbance than they are (e.g. if they are near to me) and otherwise I'd try asking for a refund like BFN suggested, but I'd definitely check out the possibility of paying a bit more for numbered seating and a greater deal of civilization. I don't think I can ever endure a "normal" theater again and if that exists near you and is reasonable I recommend it very strongly.
Hmm, I think my answer kinda boils down to: "avoid crowds" but that might just be me being misanthropic.