It is shameful to see sexism day in day out. Although it is slowly diminishing, it is still very much present. I have one particular incident I would like to share. I hold an executive position in a private firm. A managerial position was made vacant, and the applicants were reliant on me in indicating whether or not they had secured the job. One male and five females applied for the job. I gave the job to the male. A number of co-workers and staff, questioned my reasoning, and I was forced to make a statement justifying the decision, that it was based on the context of the position as opposed to sexist ideologies.
Essentially what I told them was this. I don't care who the hell you are, where you come from, what language you speak and what gender you are. All I care for is who is going to bloody complete the job to the best of their ability. I was taught business studies from a young age, and the most important role was the delegation of power and responsibility. Without sounding offensive, the five other females weren't viable for the position, they simply did not possess the credentials and experience that the male applicant had.
However this statement was ineffective. I was deeply saddened by this, as I had felt as though I had been part of some form of partiality and bias. But I realise that there is nothing wrong with me, it is the way that many people approach sexism. I feel as though some people need to consider their thoughts before animating them. My ideals have been warped to adhere to some fallacious ideologies.