Thanks for posting this, osso.
She was a great runner and a great person.
Last year she was at the start line of the NYC Half Marathon and they introduced her to the crowd in between the Star Spangled Banner and the Race Instructions.
As I was running along about three miles into the race I heard two 20-somethings talking about who she was.
"I don't understand what the big deal is. " said the first one. "They said she was in nine NY marathons."
"Yeah," said the other one," I've already been in three."
I laughed out loud while trotting along next to them.
"No," I huffed," She wasn't IN nine NYC Marathons, she was in about a dozen. She WON nine NYC Marathons."
Trot, trot, trot.
"Yes" I said, " No one else ever came close to winning that many. No man and no other woman."
Joe(she was a wonder)Nation