maxdancona wrote:
This is the correct equation for
net force. This is why they made the variable name Fnet. The net force is the total of all forces on an object which in this example (and you really should have understood the situation the equation was explaining before you posted it) is 0 which is simply means that it
is not accelerating.
I know what the net force is. That's why I keep calling it the "net force" and referencing it frequently as such. Did I meantion it's called the net force? For
brevity, Fnet can be used if you don't want to keep typing "net force."
What I've been trying to communicate to you is that Weight is only one component of the net force on a body (like a jar with or without air). That specific component which is named specifically in the title of this thread: "Weight" is defined by the attraction of two bodies of mass over a distance, modelled by Newton's second law in the form of:
W = mg; Where g is never equal to 0. Ever.
Gravitational acceleration
is acceleration.
maxdancona wrote:
The "buoyant" force (which is what we are discussing) is the second term in that equation. You will note that this is determined by density of air outside the jar (the f stands for fluid) times the volume of air displaced times the acceleration of gravity (not again that nothing is accelerating at this rate, this is just the rate an object would acceleration in the even that we dropped it with no other forces).
I already said this. You stated it doesn't matter what is in the jar.
maxdancona wrote:
What you will note about the buoyant force (i.e. the second term in the equation you posted) is that The only thing that matters it the density of the air outside the container, and the Volume of the container (since the acceleration of gravity at a point on Earth doesn't change)
Also something I already said.
maxdancona wrote:
So, as I said. The contents of the container, in a rigid container such as a glass jar where the volume doesn't change, doesn't have any effect on the buoyant force.
False. Even the same chemical compound being in both inside and outside can produce a difference in density and displacement ergo buoyancy. The volume doesn't have to change, there are other ways to increase buoyancy. This is why I made the example using the air, helium, and vacuum.
maxdancona wrote:
Of course, as you put more air or helium in a balloon, it gets bigger (i.e. a greater volume and more air displaced). So this is an important way that a balloon is different than a glass jar in this problem.
Yes a balloon is different. Of course. What is your point? Put .25 grams of air in one balloon and then put .25 grams of helium in another, what will be the difference in volume? The rubber in the balloon will stretch to reach equilibrium with both the fluid on the outside and inside.
In the case of the jar. it's volume is fixed, so buoyancy is entirely a matter of the density ratio.
maxdancona wrote:
Of course the first term of the equation is the container's weight (disregarding buoyant force). This of course is effected by the contents of the container as it adds mass. But that just tells us that a jar filled with air will have more mass (and more weight when it is on Earth) than a jar with a vacuum. And that is the whole point of this discussion.
You're repeating what I've already posted. It's not only that the jar with air has a great weight, but that the jar with a vacuum has a greater buoyancy. these forces act vector opposite.
maxdancona wrote:
For an expanded explanation of buoyancy, I will refer you to to the quite good wikipedia article which succinctly states
Quote:Buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid.
literally three posts ahead of you. If you source the equation images I used three posts ago, they are from said entry.