Well, this is so wonderful and so nice I am at a loss for words. Yes, I know that is both shocking and unbelievable, so I shall just stop the pretense here and say "Thank You''.
Thank you, boss.
Thank you, David.
Thank you, djj62 (which is unpronounceable and makes you very difficult to talk about at a2k meetings)
Cheers to Cyclo
Hugs to Letty
kisses to butterflynet
If anyone hears from Dys, it will be too bad for all of us
Tak to IrishK
and an embrace of some moments for Aidan.
Hey, shewolf, this door is always open.
You should know, ebeth, that I gave up the life of joan.
(last week, but still.... . tis over)
Celi, my sweet and Osso, my inspiration, together - sweet ..ah, you know the tune.
Edgar, the real man of letters, salute
FM, the rock of all my knowledge
Roberta- only you know where all the bodies are buried in this town
Reyn, you bring on what we really need to know.
Jespah, you keep us on the road
Thanks for the pig, I need one, Tico,
Oh, CJ, you fill my glass.
MsOlga, why are you so far away?
Laughoutloud (why didn't I think of THAT name)?
cheers to Margo at the end of the world
Eva-- there is no treasure greater than a true friend.
(even one that might let pass the possibility that I might be both a well loved and well hung poster)

Thanks again to Setanta for starting this thread.
Your friendship and the friendship of all here at a2k has meant the world to me over these past years.
And to all the posters who didn't post today, I say, screw you (Where's Frank when I need him?) Pay attention!!
I still love you.
Joe(Start the Party)Nation