@G H,
Quote:In his latest book, The Grand Design, Hawking opens with the idea that "philosophy has not kept up with modern discoveries in science, particularly physics."
More specifically he asserts that science, in place of philosophy, has moved into position to be responsible for answering such questions as, "How can we understand the world in which we find ourselves? How does the universe behave? What is the nature of reality? Where did all this come from? Did the universe need a creator?"
I imagine he gives more detailed descriptions of his ideas in the book, which I haven't read, but there are many ways to view this situation.
A notable consideration may perhaps be that there exists no metaphysical interpretation of quantum physics. At least not anything that is widely considered viable. But this is more due to a reluctance to take that step that is perhaps intrinsic to the scientific method than a lack of suggestions.
Classical metaphysics predates science. Philosophy predates science, but in delving into the sub atomic realm quantum physics has uncovered a world that was previously unconceptualized. It was unknown, at least in western societies. This offers an oportunity to create a metaphysical understanding that is removed from the human perspective to a much greater extent than classical metaphysics.
This needs to be done, and Hawking is partially right that if falls to sciene. More specifically, the scientists who are working on uncovering the realm of quantum physics are perhaps the people who are best qualified to come up with viable models of "quantum metaphysics".
But like I said, it needs to be done, simply to bring humanity forward in time to our moment.
Most people still think of big bang. But those who investigate cosmological models these days don't think "big bang", they think "unified field".
(This is not to say that big bang theory is false. It just means that quantum physics is uncovering aspects of reality that put it in a different context, and will perhaps be able to bring about a much more comprehensive explanation than big bang theory.)