Noun 1. architravearchitrave - the molding around a door or window
moulding, molding - a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing.
I apply the name to plain as well as decorative ceiling and vertical wall joint cover strips. Dont know if thats what the tradies say but they know what I mean when i say it.
Some of the wall corners have plain 1/4 round quad.
I'll post some picks when i get to that.
Quote:Is your window glass double pane?
Double glazing has been fairly uncommon In Australia until the last 5 = 10 years. Its beginning to seep into peoples conciousness now.
The chippy tells me the factory would not make double glazed for the double hung sash windows.
When asked why they said "cause we dont make double glazed sash windows."
Cant really argue with that. I could have gone elsewhere but time was getting away from me. I needed to get the windows made and installed pronto.
For me its more about saving on heating costs. We only run the A/C for a couple of days each year.
The large west facing cantiliver is double glazed. That window cops a lot of summer sun so hopefullly that will help keep the heat out.
All the masking up us done. I have to remove/dismantle the cant' windows to paint tomorrow.
In addition the double sash windows will need to be extracted from the jamb. THis is causing me some concern as I will have to lever off the guide rails ??? beads (not sure what they are called). the sahes are spring loaded. tension is increased by removing a screw and twisting the spring assembly. I'm not sure how thats all gonna go. I have a cunning plan but we shall see. I'd do some photos but there isnt much to see except a black poly tube that contains the spring.
Cunning plan involves unscrewing the springs from the timber frame and re-screwin them to a piece of two by four whilst not letting go of the twist tension so they unwind. Then removing the bead, extract the windows, paint and reverse the operation. I spent a while researching on the net but could only come up with descriptions of weighted sashes.
Instructions for tensioning the spring involves removing said screw so I cant see why it wont work.
Hopefully I can get two coats of paint on in one day. If not.... well the weather is still ok.