Quote:I support this Republic going forward the way that it was
intended at its beginning: laissez faire FREE ENTERPRIZE.
First, there had never been a laissez fair free enterprise system and such a system would results in a few large firms and a few individuals controlling the country.
Comment you should go to a public library and take out a few books out dealing with the history of the US with special note of the economic system.
In any case you would have numbers of Enrons type companies sucking in money by playing such games as shutting power plants down to create artificial shortages of power and then charging a few thousands percents over the normal rate.
Let see in your ideal world would result in dumping waste of any kind wherever they care to do so, child labor, no safety rules and on and on we go.
If you wish to provoke a revolution, the best way of doing so is to take all controls off the super wealthy and have them turn the rest of us into slaves.