@Renaldo Dubois,
Quote:Nope. The human embryo becomes a human fetus. The "group of cells" is a human being.
Interesting so one mill-second after the egg and the sperm meet we have a child. By your logic.
Any birth control method that can interfere with the fertilely egg from attaching to the womb wall would be an abortion/murder also by your logic.
So any numbers of everyday birth control methods that the bulk of women happen to be using could be an abortion also by your logic.
One of the three ways birth control pills work is by interfering with the fertilely egg attaching to the womb so at least in part women who are on the pill could be having an abortion.
The morning after pill is just a very high dose birth control pill that prevent egg attachments.
The IUD beside interfering with the sperm reaching the egg also interfere with the ability of a fertilely egg from attaching to the womb.