Thats making something of a comeback at least with young local folk. They think its funny to ask oldies "Have you heard?"
Turn thiis one up. Lots of Au vids seem to have soft sound, why? I dont know.
Hope this is getting you in the mood BVT
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Tue 5 Apr, 2011 07:08 am
The big issue is finding a place where Stephen can be comfortable and can safely walk to places. Where we are now he walks to his Karate Dojo, grocery store, blockbuster, kohls, everything he needs is within 7 10ths of a mile in a good safe neighborhood with lots of pedestrian crosswalks with traffic lights. In case he has a seizure. there is also a satellite to Wake Med hospital right behind us.
He said he didn't want to go and wanted to stay with his mom but that's because Stephen, like his Dad, is a creature of habit. I just cannot in good conscience leave Stephen in the care of his mother, who is a nice woman and loves Stephen , but lives in the middle of nowhere and has no drivers license and rides a scooter. She has actually said she could put Stephen on it and bungee him to her. That's certainly reassuring to know if he had a seizure going down the road 40 miles an hour.
so it's more complicated than just wanting to go to the beach (I do) and finding a place for myself.
Stephen is my responsibility and I take that seriously.