Strongly agree, Ragman.
Some of my favorite people feed. Even people against feeding, feed. We all want to bellow, from whatever side, sometimes.
Among the temperate, I'll name JoefromChicago, Thomas, and Joenation. I may have missed some. Ticomaya is temperate, JLNobody is temperate. Neither of those two are without opinions. They are a kind of backbone.
I think I remember Robert and Blatham talking about debate and the how to's, which I was interested in, as I was never taught that. I was not allowed to argue in my school or family, it was a sin, more so in my weirdo high school years. I'm less spitty about my grammar school, they were much saner.
I know all that sounds odd. I think a lot of that is still going on in areas of the U.S.
Max, if I remember, says he doubts things were ever different.
He missed eight years.