OmSigDAVID wrote:
Am I the ONLY One Here Who Feels This Way ?
When I see a movie wherein the bad guy
is slaughtering the teenagers, or the pretty girls (or ANY innocent victims),
I wish that the victim pulled out a large calibered gun with hollowpointed loads
and BLASTED the predator where it COUNTS ???
I root for the VICTIM!
When u see that in the movies or on TV, how do U feel about it ?
Thus speaks an idiot... You know as little of life as you do of Drama... There is a reason police shows are considered comedies no matter how bloody... It is because they look at the exclusion of the bad element from the perspective of society which should be, and feel united, really made whole in the process... But; while such is the intent of that low genre, the effect is entirely the opposite... All you have to do is look at people and their faces as they leave movie theatres after watching that sort of entertainment... Consider what is happening in the action... Violence is being justified while innocents are being violated, and then, at the end, when the criminal is brought to bay, and his destruction is shown from several different angles in slow motion, people are given what they so badly desire in life, and that is justice... By the very nature of the action, which is all fiction, the release the audience desires is denied to them... They find themselves much as they are, and much as they appear to objective observers, caught in moment of bloodlust like an out of control mob...
The absolute problem with such examples of entertainment is that people are not improved by it... The example of justice, so rare in life, but seen as unreal and unrealistic on the big screen is but an example of how elusive and wanted is justice in our daily lives... People do not look to society for justice even while society is formed out of the need for justice...Sooner or later, the society that is formed for justice is taken over by those who use it for profit from injustice, and for that reason people identify more with outlaws... The myth of the individual also contributes to the identification with outlaws, but then, it is individualism that leads to people using society and laws to support injustice, and the worst sort of outlawry, that destroys society from within...
The best sort of drama is tragedy, and this is because everyone recognizes that they are guilty, and every one recognizes that they need society for their happiness... They can see in their own guilt the inevitable extenuating circumstances, but when they see some one punished out of all proportion to their guilt, they see in fact what life does to most of us... There comes a moment when they forgive the guilty, and while it may not seem so to one who seeks that feeling of bloodlust from black comedy, they are made better, more fit for life, and more psychologically healthy... The wonderful thing about Catholic confession and reconciliation is that it breaks a cycle of sin, because when we are forgiven, and forgive ourselves we find it so much easier to forgive others and so put the past behind us finally and forever...
Police comedies are without end because they only reap the crop of criminals thrown up by the endless injustice in a failing society... Tragedies let people make an end to their own injustice, and also to the hatred that police comedies feed which is pure poison... The poison is real enough dear David... Look at your own life and how easily that poison is brought to the surface by fiction... It is real enough, but fictional punishments of fictional characters does not give anyone release from that poison... Only a certain understanding, the ability to see the criminal as human, which is to see ourselves as human can give us release...