dlowan wrote:Well, I'm clear now, but I still don't see why it's a difference that MAKES a difference.
Except to the people who rioted about losing bits of their life when the calender changed and all that.
No, it's much more serious than that. It makes people who need to use time programmatically have to work around something fundamentally illogical (there is no logic you can use for this, you just have to keep up to date on whatever everyone decides to do) and makes it harder for people in different time zones to work together (I meet with people in multiple time zones, and our scheduled meetings always get messed up when someone's time changes and someone else's doesn't).
Because time should be reliable, and moving it around arbitrarily (there is not standard for this, and sometimes the days change etc) is problematic for violating the very reasons methods to measure time exists (for a consistent way to refer to time between people). Think of it like a measuring system that is inconsistent, where you change the measurement system to get the results you want. It's patently absurd, if people want to wake up at 7 AM they should do so, not call it 8 AM. This is like changing the meaning of a kilo in order to lose weight.
This causes all sorts of problems that are not superstitious. Remember the time nobody could post on a2k for a while? That was a stupid bug caused by DST, making the code think that everyone had last posted an hour into the future, and making the flood control stop everyone from posting.
That is just one of the many times the stupidity of DST has interfered with my programming and it was because something had set the server clock to a time that observed DST without my knowledge.
Quote:I still struggle to explain to a lot of Upovers dwelling upon a significantly different longitude (I so hope I haven't got that mixed up with latitude) that we are both dwelling at the same moment in time, it's just that it's called something different by those who like to give such things names and the earth has a different bit of itself facing the sun.
And this is my first beef with time systems, I think it's silly that we have time zones at all. We don't all need to wake up in AM and sleep in PM, there should be a universal time and we should just recognize that in different parts of the world different things happen at those times.
I think the big thing that makes me hate how time works so much is that I tend to be more global than local. If you never get out of local context time stupidity doesn't mess you up that much. But if you do, it's just a mess of stupidity for no logical reason.