@Email Shmemail,
Yea, I meant clean out the brine tank.
When you're done and everything is working the best salt management is to keep only the amount of salt necessary to cover the water in the brine tank. If you fill the brine tank all the way to the top the extra weight of that much salt contributes to mushing and bridging at the bottom of the brine tank.
Hardness of 250 ppm = 15 gpg which IS hard.
There is a 9x40 mineral tank and should have .75 to 1 cu ft of resin. Most likely it is .75 cu ft of resin if the tank is only half full. Using the 8 lbs the control valve is set for is about right.
Bad news is that the softener is regenerating every second day and that is wasting water and salt which is money. That softener is undersized for your water conditions and family size BUT...
For now, take the softener off bypass and do what I instructed above and let's see if the softener get back to working correctly.