Nimh--referring to your quote--
I think it looks especially bad in comparison with all that, to first beat one's chest about how magnanimous it was of America to "put aside [everything] and send assistance to those who made themselves our enemies",
I am getting tired of you assigning me emotions or behaviors incorrectly. I suppose it may be terribly disconcerting to hold tightly to views, and find them to be wrong--but that it no excuse to mischaracterize me. I never said it was magnanimous of the US to assist Iran. I said it was common decency. Either don't characterize me at all, or at least read back to ascertain whether or not the bias you feel is based on fact.
and then to respond to any reminder of what America did to them with some bland, guilt-erasing, "all have been crappy at one time or another". Basically, you came in here expecting liberals to apply some blatant double standards - and then demonstrated the biggest double standard of the thread, yourself. What we did is just history, **** happens, we've all done something - now what they did, that was really magnanimous of us to put aside.
Again, your entire tangent is based on something other than fact. You falsely attribute statements and motives to me. I do think if I were to begin to blithely throw around statements and such and attach your name--you wouldn't appreciate it.
My statement, with an addition for clarification--
This was not a history lesson. . As I said, I saw dlowan's, and your, attempt to get off the subject of US assistance and on to this stupid tangent, just another way to dodge something positive done by Bush.
We did things to make us unpopular with Iran; and they did things to make themselves unpopular with us. Since they are the ones in need, we are the ones, who must overlook their behavior in deciding to help themAs I said, I saw dlowan's, and your, attempt to get off the subject of US assistance and on to this stupid tangent, just another way to dodge or minimize something positive done by Bush, by attacking the messenger on other points--
But, you really should stop short of making **** up.
This place will devolve quickly if we all follow your example.

<-- An emoticon to save me from your supernatural pronouncements of my mood, emotions and motivations during posts. If I can just find one to save me from being misquoted and mischaracterized.
<enjoyable jousting>