Fri 26 Dec, 2003 10:12 am
Is it okay to change smart media cards in a "hot" reader connected to the computer? I know we're not supposed to unplug the reader from the computer when it's 'hot.' BTW, how does one unplug the reader from a 'hot' connection without creating problems? Do we need to turn off the computer for every connect and disconnect? c.i.
CI the biggest problem is it wants to warn you that you stand a chance of loosing or damaging files.
If you right mouse click the reader in your file exlporer you can eject - you have to actually do it yourself mannually.
Thanks, husker. Keep getting that warning about losing files, so I thought it's better to learn how to do it right.
Is it okay to load a new smart card in the reader when it's "hot?"
I load smartcards all the time when they are hot - like 100's of times never lost anything yet or even got a warning on the loading put on the unloading.
Thanks. That's the trick then? Just keep the reader plugged in, and exchange smart cards at will without any problems?