Sick and Tired of Jewish Propaganda Screwing Up U.S. Foreign Policy

Mon 13 Jun, 2011 09:28 am
In my opinion, your attitude towards Jews are divisive for this country, since most Jews are contributing Americans to America, perhaps in a different way than perhaps you deem valuable. Regardless, give your speech to someone else.

By the way, are you a veteran? Funny, I am, and am Jewish. Ain't that odd?

P.S. If you really want to know who this country belongs to, think WASP. And, many of them value the presence of Jews. Not all WASP's value the presence of Catholics, believe it or not, since, in the opinion of some WASP's, Catholics would be comfortable if this became a Catholic country.

So, if you continue to post on this thread, please do not reply to me, you would only be a broken record, rehashing your same vitriol.
Tue 14 Jun, 2011 06:12 am
Foofie wrote:

In my opinion, your attitude towards Jews are divisive for this country, since most Jews are contributing Americans to America, perhaps in a different way than perhaps you deem valuable. Regardless, give your speech to someone else.

By the way, are you a veteran? Funny, I am, and am Jewish. Ain't that odd?

P.S. If you really want to know who this country belongs to, think WASP. And, many of them value the presence of Jews. Not all WASP's value the presence of Catholics, believe it or not, since, in the opinion of some WASP's, Catholics would be comfortable if this became a Catholic country.

So, if you continue to post on this thread, please do not reply to me, you would only be a broken record, rehashing your same vitriol.
If I gave all my loyalty to the Catholic Church as many jews give to Israel, then I would justly consider myself a traitor to the land and people...
Tue 14 Jun, 2011 02:04 pm
Fido wrote:

Foofie wrote:

In my opinion, your attitude towards Jews are divisive for this country, since most Jews are contributing Americans to America, perhaps in a different way than perhaps you deem valuable. Regardless, give your speech to someone else.

By the way, are you a veteran? Funny, I am, and am Jewish. Ain't that odd?

P.S. If you really want to know who this country belongs to, think WASP. And, many of them value the presence of Jews. Not all WASP's value the presence of Catholics, believe it or not, since, in the opinion of some WASP's, Catholics would be comfortable if this became a Catholic country.

So, if you continue to post on this thread, please do not reply to me, you would only be a broken record, rehashing your same vitriol.
If I gave all my loyalty to the Catholic Church as many jews give to Israel, then I would justly consider myself a traitor to the land and people...

You are saying that being a devout Catholic might lessen the ability to being a patriotic American? The Catholic Church is a religion, not a nationality, in no way lessening anyone's ability to being a patriotic American. In my opinion, you seem to have accepted a very narrow definition of what it means to be a patriotic American. First, you claimed, Judaism lessens the ability to be a patriotic American, because America should not be pro-Israel? Now Catholicism lessens the ability to be a patriotic American, because ??????

What if the definition of American was determined to include only those that had ancestors from the original English colonists? You would be SOL.

You do not seem to appreciate that the diversity in this country comes with the acceptance that different people have different views of what America should be doing on the world stage. You are presupposing that your definition is inherently correct, and therefore you can disenfranchise other citizens that do not accept your definition of America's role on the world stage. Sorry, you are making fictional definitions of what America should do on the world stage. Simply put, you lose!

P.S. You are aware that in prior centuries, your Irish ancestors were not considered "white" by the definition of the English in the 18th and early 19th century. Only your German ancestors where considered "white." So, can you appreciate how good America is, in its accepting diversity, so all peoples can live, and share, in America as full citizens. And, you are aware of how the Irish in the later half of the 19th century were not welcome in many parts of "polite society"? All because they were Catholic and not English. You need a history lesson, perhaps?
Thu 16 Jun, 2011 06:54 am
Foofie wrote:

Fido wrote:

Foofie wrote:

In my opinion, your attitude towards Jews are divisive for this country, since most Jews are contributing Americans to America, perhaps in a different way than perhaps you deem valuable. Regardless, give your speech to someone else.

By the way, are you a veteran? Funny, I am, and am Jewish. Ain't that odd?

P.S. If you really want to know who this country belongs to, think WASP. And, many of them value the presence of Jews. Not all WASP's value the presence of Catholics, believe it or not, since, in the opinion of some WASP's, Catholics would be comfortable if this became a Catholic country.

So, if you continue to post on this thread, please do not reply to me, you would only be a broken record, rehashing your same vitriol.
If I gave all my loyalty to the Catholic Church as many jews give to Israel, then I would justly consider myself a traitor to the land and people...

You are saying that being a devout Catholic might lessen the ability to being a patriotic American? The Catholic Church is a religion, not a nationality, in no way lessening anyone's ability to being a patriotic American. In my opinion, you seem to have accepted a very narrow definition of what it means to be a patriotic American. First, you claimed, Judaism lessens the ability to be a patriotic American, because America should not be pro-Israel? Now Catholicism lessens the ability to be a patriotic American, because ??????

What if the definition of American was determined to include only those that had ancestors from the original English colonists? You would be SOL.

You do not seem to appreciate that the diversity in this country comes with the acceptance that different people have different views of what America should be doing on the world stage. You are presupposing that your definition is inherently correct, and therefore you can disenfranchise other citizens that do not accept your definition of America's role on the world stage. Sorry, you are making fictional definitions of what America should do on the world stage. Simply put, you lose!

P.S. You are aware that in prior centuries, your Irish ancestors were not considered "white" by the definition of the English in the 18th and early 19th century. Only your German ancestors where considered "white." So, can you appreciate how good America is, in its accepting diversity, so all peoples can live, and share, in America as full citizens. And, you are aware of how the Irish in the later half of the 19th century were not welcome in many parts of "polite society"? All because they were Catholic and not English. You need a history lesson, perhaps?
There are a lot of catholics who confuse Catholicism with Americanism, and think our flag flies in heaven, and that all we do is right... There are many who feel their first loyalty is to the church and Pope; and perhaps not so commonly as in the past, but there is still a concentrated, wealthy, and influential group of Catholics who are radical and reactionary beyond belief, and as far as I know, one of their number sits on the Supreme Court...

To me; religion and Government are opposing forms... Tyranny and religion have a lot in common, and for this reason, Adolph Hitler compared himself to the Pope, and organized his Party after the model of the Catholic Church, bound the population to himself by oaths, and even organized the SS after the Jesuits who were individually bound to the Pope by oath... But government, real government, which is self government -requires the invocation of reason where today ours, as Hitler's, counts on faith...

All people who say they believe in God should stay out of goverment; and be good, and trust in God... Another argument against the Jews is that they are only superficially a religion, and that common religion has never stopped any Jew from exploiting Jews if the opportunity arose... What the Jews are is a nation of people all springing from Sarah, whose name can be heard in Israel...Abraham was a hero of the tribe of Judah, and is father alike to Israel and Islam...

The short answer to your question is that Catholic Church is contrary to what America should stand for, and is a throwback to Feudalism, as was Nazism, and to be a really good Catholic makes a person an unfit American... I am a Catholic, and I have felt their indoctrination... Like Erasimus, I will leave my church when I find a better one, but I will never be a good Catholic...
Thu 16 Jun, 2011 12:23 pm
Well, if you say you will never be a good Catholic, you need not "find a better" church. You can just read the bible, like many a Christian. In my opinion, you are too focussed on your defintions of what is good, or what is bad. Too rigid, I believe. You might spend your life swimming upstream possibly, and reach old age very frustrated? Also, am I wrong in perceiving a great amount of anger? Perhaps, your anger stems from a desire to give yourself a feeling of self-righteous anger, meaning you are fighting the reality that we all are, including you, quite inconsequential. Hitler tapped into that desire, and got a country to follow him. So did Mussolini.

The U.S. is too big, and too wealthy to make your concerns worth addressing. Plus, those you deem of lesser patriotism are still valuable for other reasons. You might not be seeing the forest for the trees, so to speak, when it comes to how this country runs quite effectively, by allowing all the patriots and other folk to make America a world power?

I really believe your perceptions are short sighted. You are devaluing some people, I would guess, that contribute more to American society than you do. But, that would not bother you? If not, then your brand of patriotism is self-defeating for America's future strength.

Remember, the folks who truly own this country value people for their contribution to society, not some narrow view of who is patriotic. So, I think it is fair to say you are not one of those people that OWNS America? You are here, but of minor importance, in my opinion.
Fri 17 Jun, 2011 08:24 am
Foofie wrote:

Well, if you say you will never be a good Catholic, you need not "find a better" church. You can just read the bible, like many a Christian. In my opinion, you are too focussed on your defintions of what is good, or what is bad. Too rigid, I believe. You might spend your life swimming upstream possibly, and reach old age very frustrated? Also, am I wrong in perceiving a great amount of anger? Perhaps, your anger stems from a desire to give yourself a feeling of self-righteous anger, meaning you are fighting the reality that we all are, including you, quite inconsequential. Hitler tapped into that desire, and got a country to follow him. So did Mussolini.

The U.S. is too big, and too wealthy to make your concerns worth addressing. Plus, those you deem of lesser patriotism are still valuable for other reasons. You might not be seeing the forest for the trees, so to speak, when it comes to how this country runs quite effectively, by allowing all the patriots and other folk to make America a world power?

I really believe your perceptions are short sighted. You are devaluing some people, I would guess, that contribute more to American society than you do. But, that would not bother you? If not, then your brand of patriotism is self-defeating for America's future strength.

Remember, the folks who truly own this country value people for their contribution to society, not some narrow view of who is patriotic. So, I think it is fair to say you are not one of those people that OWNS America? You are here, but of minor importance, in my opinion.

You know; I an not very angry or always angry; but I get that way when I think about how the lives and sacrifices of people who have died for liberty have so often been wasted and betrayed... I don't think dying for Israel is dying for freedom... I think Israel, which was pay back to the zionists and to one particular Jew that was great help to Churchill, but was also intended as a land bridge between the Afican Colonies of Great Britain and Arabia, Persia, and India... I think Israel the state has used Britain and the United States far more than it has been used by them, but as a threat to Arabia and Persia it now serves its purpose, and keeps those areas quiet and compliant to our will... Does anyone believe that if we will get ahold of Lybia that we will soon depart??? Well even to hold a land like Iraq that clearly admires us and wants peace with us will cost us lives, and live which will benefit no one but the rich... Bush forgot that to use power is to lose power, and that it is easier to project weakness than to project power... Israel is a bank of power, as long as it cooperates with us, and we with them; but we must not ask if the existence of Israel does not endanger world peace, the world economy, and cost us far more than it saves us... It has absolutely ruined relations with all those Muslim people who do not have a share of oil... There is no doubt in their minds that the tail of the Jew wags the dog of America... Their power is extreme and all out of propertion to their numbers, and is far more than can be explained by intelligence and perserverance alone... They are insidious, and the Evengelical Christians who are so much like them, and who give them so much of political support are as bad as they, blundering and dragging the rest of us into a war with people we have absolutely no reason to make our enemies...

Now you ask yourself: Are you not over valuing some people in America... I would settle for the Jews being equal, but I think they hate equality of government... They thrived best where they could get governments and populations to fight each other, under Monarchy and Feudalism... Look at what a waste of humanity the Fuggers went broke trying to support... Democracy depends upon equality, and a superior and wealthy people will never accept equality with those whom they consider their inferiors... They were not alone in their feelings about the common man... The philosophers of the Three Great Western Religions have all agreed that the weak should rule the strong, and the intelligent should rule the brutes; but what has that gained them but peace and order, and what has it gained the common man at all??? I do not doubt that immigrants are carrying the weight of this society from its highest to its lowest point... My first father in law was Jewish, intelligent, and hard working... He drove cab, and sold blood to get through medical school, and since the numbers of Jews in Medicine was strictly limited, he had to trick his way into Med School... But all my Doctors for years have been Pakastani, or Arab; all Muslim... Contrary to what the Jews say to us and to others; there is nothing wrong with their brains... There is nothing wrong with out brains either; but the want of democracy keeps us from education and advancement, and this situation which we cannot help will destroy us, and we will find ourselves mastered by our former servants...

I know that patriotism can be used... I know that many people arrive here with divided loyalties; but that is a situation we should not accept, to have so many people living among us without unity, and with so many thinking only to use us, this place, and then move on... Look at the map... America is being sold cheap, but there is no where for this people to go... This is it for us, all of us... We have to find a way for us all to make our livings and survive... We cannot accept Christianity breeding stupidity while the world runs over us... We cannot allow the Jews or any group, even our native rich to exploit us into poverty... WE have to fight back, and right now the only weapon of worth that is not illegal is the truth...
Fri 17 Jun, 2011 09:18 am
In my opinion, talking about the correct direction of the country, its people and politics, reminds me how on some a.m. radio stations, that are devoted to only "sports talk," some people call up and talk about this or that team, as though they were the managers, owners, or coaches of the teams they talk about. Well, they usually have not one cent invested in any teams, and sports today is a big business. Similarly, the business of the U.S. is business, and when some of us talk about politics we talk as though we have some real "EQUITY" in the country. Most of us don't. Some would like to think that since many of their respective group spilt blood in many a war, they have "earned" some sort of "blood equity" (and belittle sometimes those that have not spilt an equal amount of blood). They have not earned any type of equity in the country. The "families" that own land as far as the eye can see, or a percentage of the real estate on a "main street," are the equity owners of this country. Many of these families were in the U.S. before 1800, and are called the "old line families." So, unless you are amongst these elite, I would hope you are humble enough to not want to give direction to those that truly own this country, under its capitalistic system. We elect people, and pay them a salary to manage this country. "

You are entering the realm of boring me with your concerns, since they really are not your concerns, in my opinion.
Mon 20 Jun, 2011 08:52 am
Foofie wrote:

In my opinion, talking about the correct direction of the country, its people and politics, reminds me how on some a.m. radio stations, that are devoted to only "sports talk," some people call up and talk about this or that team, as though they were the managers, owners, or coaches of the teams they talk about. Well, they usually have not one cent invested in any teams, and sports today is a big business. Similarly, the business of the U.S. is business, and when some of us talk about politics we talk as though we have some real "EQUITY" in the country. Most of us don't. Some would like to think that since many of their respective group spilt blood in many a war, they have "earned" some sort of "blood equity" (and belittle sometimes those that have not spilt an equal amount of blood). They have not earned any type of equity in the country. The "families" that own land as far as the eye can see, or a percentage of the real estate on a "main street," are the equity owners of this country. Many of these families were in the U.S. before 1800, and are called the "old line families." So, unless you are amongst these elite, I would hope you are humble enough to not want to give direction to those that truly own this country, under its capitalistic system. We elect people, and pay them a salary to manage this country. "

You are entering the realm of boring me with your concerns, since they really are not your concerns, in my opinion.
I think you are making a good point; to which I would reply that this is a fast fish and we are fast to it... As long as we are here, and we need this place for our futures we have as much claim to it as the rich who think they own it only because they hold a title to it... The fact is that we are supposed to be a commonwealth, and our earliest court finding on the point was that we own the country because we took it, and so we hold the ultimate title to is simply by never having released it... When the rich bought this place cheap, far below those who bought it with blood paid for it they never got it free and clear, but always with the understanding that they would support the government and the people who defended their right to use it as they saw fit with a payment of taxes... Now; to save themselves the trouble of paying for what we bought dear and they bought cheap, and really without the right to, they refuse taxation even though wealth gives them greater representation and access to government... We must pay with a risk of our lives, with drudgery and slavery and hopelessness because they refuse their share of support, and so we grow ever poorer, and they grow ever richer... What saves us now from complete ruin servitude is the thought that this is our land... And the risk to the rich is that in letting the government go broke that they have disarmed themselves and denuded themselves of their best defense... If we take this land back it will be of necessity... The commonwealth even in private hands must still support the common people... Yes; we have seen the commons closed in Europe so that sheep devoured the farmers... We have seen the enslaved and empoverished populations of Europe fight colonial wars building into a great conflagration of World Wars... Think of the lives that might have been saved simply by killing of the ruling classes and living on ones own produce... That is what we need to do... We have already bought this land and the world too... We only need to evict the interlopers and drive them into the sea to have our land and freedom too...
Tue 21 Jun, 2011 10:26 am
Foofie wrote:

The initial post that started this thread had this statement:
"My question is: HOW CAN WE ALLOW SUCH THINGS????

I tried to understand where that insidious influence started and I found this seemingly innocuous article that explains it. The Jews are re-writing history. Who controls our understanding of the past controls our present and our future. "

I believe that within the above statement is the attitude that Jews are really outsiders to some birthright of the Gentile majority.
This thread should be relabeled: Sick and Tired of Gentile Ingratitude for Jewish Contributions to Civilization.

Sorry but "gentile" isn't in my vocabulary. Rewriting history wasn't enough for you? I'm not planning to learn foreign languages.
Tue 21 Jun, 2011 12:22 pm
electronicmail wrote:

Foofie wrote:

The initial post that started this thread had this statement:
"My question is: HOW CAN WE ALLOW SUCH THINGS????

I tried to understand where that insidious influence started and I found this seemingly innocuous article that explains it. The Jews are re-writing history. Who controls our understanding of the past controls our present and our future. "

I believe that within the above statement is the attitude that Jews are really outsiders to some birthright of the Gentile majority.
This thread should be relabeled: Sick and Tired of Gentile Ingratitude for Jewish Contributions to Civilization.

Sorry but "gentile" isn't in my vocabulary. Rewriting history wasn't enough for you? I'm not planning to learn foreign languages.

The word is in the dictionary.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2011 12:23 pm
Talk to someone else. I have no problem with the current way society runs.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2011 03:31 pm
electronicmail wrote:

Foofie wrote:

The initial post that started this thread had this statement:
"My question is: HOW CAN WE ALLOW SUCH THINGS????

I tried to understand where that insidious influence started and I found this seemingly innocuous article that explains it. The Jews are re-writing history. Who controls our understanding of the past controls our present and our future. "

I believe that within the above statement is the attitude that Jews are really outsiders to some birthright of the Gentile majority.
This thread should be relabeled: Sick and Tired of Gentile Ingratitude for Jewish Contributions to Civilization.

Sorry but "gentile" isn't in my vocabulary. Rewriting history wasn't enough for you? I'm not planning to learn foreign languages.
The word has been expropriated by English speakers... There simply is no other word to express that meaning coming from the Roman Gen, or clan, from which we derive a multitude of words...
0 Replies
Wed 22 Feb, 2012 07:06 am
"we (Hillary but she's Secretary of State) sent to Cairo who told Mubarak to stay on because the Israelis said so."

0 Replies
Wed 22 Feb, 2012 07:14 am
Foofie:I'm Jewish and a Navy veteran.Other veterans in my family include my cousin who fought in Korea, another cousin who fought in Vietnam,another who
was a Navy officer and my brother in law who volunteered for the Army.

The so-called "patriotism" of the Jew-haters is usually confined to loud speeches
and nothing else.That's the brand of patriotism you see from the White Nationalists on Stormfront, the most ignorant, arrogant bunch of lying hypocrites on the internet.
Wed 22 Feb, 2012 08:37 am
JoeBruno wrote:

Foofie:I'm Jewish and a Navy veteran.Other veterans in my family include my cousin who fought in Korea, another cousin who fought in Vietnam,another who
was a Navy officer and my brother in law who volunteered for the Army.

The so-called "patriotism" of the Jew-haters is usually confined to loud speeches
and nothing else.That's the brand of patriotism you see from the White Nationalists on Stormfront, the most ignorant, arrogant bunch of lying hypocrites on the internet.
I have a son and grandchildren who are Jewish; and my problem with Jewish people is not on nationalistic grounds exactly, but on human grounds... You cannot at once put yourself above humanity and within it at the same time... Any one who would be great must at times endure great pain and difficulty... To say they alone have suffered, even from the hollocaust is a great lie, and one I find offensive... I am certain some of them deserved it more than the rest, but very few of the 60 million people who died in that war actually deserved it... When people are of a mind to hate, I do not know if anything, or any good quality in those they hate can stop them...

All societies, communities, groups, or cliques identify themselves as much by their members as by whom they exclude... The Jewish people exclude almost everyone, and if you read the old testament, exclude even of themselves, and to what purpose??? When they denied to other groups their purity and privilage they could justify taking what was theirs, and this happened in Judea, and it happened in Europe... The Jews of my family have their roots in the poor Jews of Europe who had little choice but to come to America or starve... Those they left behind were literally rubbed out of existence, and in all likelyhood, it was because rich and cultured Jews had done much to take over where ever they resided, in Government, and science, and industry, and finance...

It is not as though other groups like the Chinese, or the Muslims in America do not push education and stick together in support of their own... They do, and with little choice otherwise... The Germans and many in Europe had a long history with the Jews and envied and feared them...It did not matter that many Jews had served with distinction and bravery in the Army of the Kaiser... It did not matter that many Jews considered their nationality before their religion...

All groups find unity in the act of exclusion...If the aim of Hitler had been living space in Russia, and the destruction of communism, he would have found allies among the Jews with the mental capacity to give him the technological edge to do so... Look at Field Marshall Milch, the father of the Luftwaffa, for example... He denied his own heritage, possibly even the source of his intelligence and ambition to serve the master race in the destruction of his own people... If Hitler's aim had been only the destruction of communism how many Jews might have flocked to the Swastika???

Hitler fed some of his most able people to the furnacess out of a hatred that sprang from his own envy and fear of his almost certain Jewish paternity... Even if it is granted that the hatred and fear of some Jews can be well founded, there is no justification for the enslavement, torture, and murder of anyone... I will grant that if the Nazis had simply dispossessed, and deported the Jews, that they would have been a potent force against them... That does not forgive their murder, and the murders of so many millions of others...To be warry of Jews, and suspicious of their motives is well justified by their actions in Israel... It is a whole other level of disease to justify their destruction... If you live here, and think you are better and more worthy of a good life than others, then join the crowd, because many more than Jews feel this people is but so many sheep to fleece...Anyone who looks to prey upon this people within or without is an enemy to me...
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