Sick and Tired of Jewish Propaganda Screwing Up U.S. Foreign Policy

Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:14 am
djjd62 wrote:

i'm not disputing your figures

i'm only showing my disdain for your use of them to try and push what i see as an anti jew agenda

I puzzled over how you got there from here but then I saw you starting a thread about
Gary Condit Sentenced To 60 Years In Prison
so OoooooKay Idea Drunk

Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:23 am
the gary condit thread is called humour, you must sort of get it, as you seemed recognize it in my jewish media/bankers post

plus it's a good excuse to **** with a politician

i don't even disagree with your position, just your approach

i say let Israel sink or swim as they will, but the jewish american lobby is strong and that counts for something, plus politically they make for good allies in the middle east, if the TP win and decide to cut them loose, good for them, i doubt it will happen though, things always sound good when you're trying to court the voters

carnies and rubes, and DC is the midway, step right up and win your sweetheart a jewpie, uh, kewpie doll
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:32 am
I don't speak for the Tea Party

There's a BIG difference between humor and libel. Humor and misrepresentation. Humor and calumny. Humor and defamation of character. Humor and actionable lies. You get my drift?
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:37 am
you can't libel a politician, they give up any right to be treated as human beings when they seek office
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:44 am
I don't see that enshrined in US law. You can't libel the dead is all we got here. We got some zombie politicians but legally they count as being alive so your approach won't fly. Sorry.
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:48 am
boy, you must be a riot at parties, is everything a serious subject to you

Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:50 am
So who are you, my wife? Laughing Laughing Laughing
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:52 am
0 Replies
Sat 12 Feb, 2011 09:45 am
Luther may have been an anti-semite; but Luther aside, most Protestantism is not Lutheranism, and most protestantism including Lutheranism is a throw back to Judaism in the sense of tangible justification... How do you know you are blessed??? If you do well, you are blessed.... Okay; then do well, no matter who you use or hurt, and you are blessed.... That is not what Jesus said; but many protestants hold it as fact... And as badly as the whole notion of works as evidence of faith, and as a ticket into eternal life was used; there is not objective way of knowing whether any person is a Christian other than seeing them act as Christ, giving aid, comfot, and understanding to the victims in this world.... And in his day the victims of Judaism were the very Jews to whom Jesus spoke... Jeruselm was so rich that the wealth taken from that one city built the Colloseum, and who know what else... There was a religious edifice built upon the suffering of an entire people, which divided and weakened them before all their enemies... If they would do it to their own kind, they would do it to the world... And that is true of Protestant and Jews alike... Not to say us Catholics are better... Just different...
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jun, 2011 05:38 am
I'm an Aussie, and as such don't really see this issue come up very often. That said, the term 'monopoly', worries me very much. And while I recognise that no one person controls media and banking, the fact that a religious group does (Judaism through people of Judaic nativity, origin or descent), well, it simply doesn't seem like the desired situation for the greater masses.
Sat 4 Jun, 2011 07:13 am
the fact that a religious group does (Judaism through people of Judaic nativity, origin or descent), well, it simply doesn't seem like the desired situation for the greater masses.

Well the solution for the Jews controlling an area of society was found in the 1930s and somehow I am sure there are enough assholes still in the world to apply this solution if the rest of us allow it once more.
Sat 4 Jun, 2011 07:21 am
Our Jews! I feel nauseous. You Own Jews? How special?!
Sat 4 Jun, 2011 01:31 pm
Ragman wrote:

Our Jews! I feel nauseous. You Own Jews? How special?!
You might think of them as your pets, but some times dogs belong to humans, and sometimes humans belong to dogs... You might say our Jews only to find you are their humans...
0 Replies
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 02:45 am
Wow, straight to the holocaust, I figured that would have been saved in bank for a rainier day. Anyhoo, not the kinda solution I would really go for, but hey I suppose its good that you're thinking.
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 03:03 am
Wow, straight to the holocaust, I figured that would have been saved in bank for a rainier day. Anyhoo, not the kinda solution I would really go for, but hey I suppose its good that you're thinking.

Well if you had half of a people wiped out only 70 years ago in the heart of Western culture and see the same kind of bullshit aim at the same people being repeated here almost word for word it damn hard not to think of the holocaust.

In fact only brain dead assholes would not think of the holocaust when he or she saw the title of this thread.

There still a few survivors around that give talks and after hearing such people it hard not to feel ashame of the whole human race for allowing it to had occur.

Thankfully the next time the Jewish people are press against the wall they will have atom weapons to fight back with so it will not be as simple as placing an arm band on and going around rounding them up to be kill.
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 07:08 pm
That was heardly the heart of Western Culture... In fact; I am not sure Culture ever had a heart... Just a law book and pocket book...

You should try to consider that the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto did much to disarm the Jews, and in the end went in the same RR cars as the rest to their deaths... There were just to many of them unwilling to stand up for themselves who later called for revenge... Not one of those places could have worked without the Jews working... They made possible their extermination by cooperation... Sure I have sympathy... I have some sympathy for all the ten million killed without the means to defend themselves, and the 64+ million killed in that war...
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 10:59 pm
You should try to consider that the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto did much to disarm the Jews, and in the end went in the same RR cars as the rest to their deaths... There were just to many of them unwilling to stand up for themselves who later called for revengeThey made possible their extermination by cooperation

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising was one of the bravest acts of despair and poorly arm starving men and women in the history of the human race facing one of the best military forces in the history of the human race.


The Ghetto fighters (numbering some 400 to 1,000 by April 19) were armed primarily with pistols and revolvers. Just a few rifles and automatic firearms smuggled into the Ghetto were available. The insurgents had little ammunition, and relied heavily on improvised explosive devices and incendiary bottles; more weapons were supplied throughout the uprising or captured from the Germans. Some weapons were hand-made by resistance: sometimes such weapons worked, other times they jammed repeatedly.

Nazi forcesUltimately, the efforts of the Jewish resistance fighters proved insufficient against the German forces. The Germans eventually committed an average daily force of 2,090 well-armed troops, including 821 Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier troops (consisting of five SS reserve and training battalions and one SS cavalry reserve and training battalion), as well as 363 Polish Blue Policemen, who were ordered by the Germans to cordon the walls of the Ghetto.[22]

Stroop Report original caption: "Askaris used during the operation."The other forces were drawn from the Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) "uniformed order police" (battalions from the regiments 22rd and 23rd), the SS Sicherheitsdienst (SD) "security service", Warsaw Gestapo, one battalion each from two Wehrmacht railroad combat engineers regiments, a battery of Wehrmacht anti-aircraft artillery (and one field gun), a battalion of Ukrainian Trawniki-Männer from the Final Solution training camp Trawniki, Lithuanian and Latvian auxiliary policemen known by the nickname Askaris (Latvian Arajs Kommando and Lithuanian Saugumas), and technical emergency corps. Polish fire brigade personnel were ordered to help in the operation. In addition, a number of criminals and executioners from the nearby Gestapo Pawiak prison, under the command of Franz Bürkl, volunteered to "hunt the Jews".

German assaultOn April 19, 1943, on the eve of Passover, the police and SS auxiliary forces entered the Ghetto planning to complete their Action within three days. However, they suffered losses as they were repeatedly ambushed by Jewish insurgents, who aggressively fired and threw Molotov cocktails and hand grenades at them from alleyways, sewers and windows. Two German vehicles: A French-made Lorraine 37L armoured fighting vehicle and an armoured car were set on fire by ŻOB petrol bombs, and the German advance was bogged down.[24]

Stroop Report original caption: "The leader of the grand operation."As the battle continued inside the Ghetto, Polish resistance groups AK and GL engaged the Germans between April 19 and April 23 at six different locations outside the ghetto walls, firing at German sentries and positions. In one attack, three cell units of AK under the command of Kapitan Józef Pszenny ("Chwacki") tried to breach the Ghetto walls with explosives, but the Germans repulsed this attack.[16]

Following von Sammern-Frankenegg's failure to contain the revolt, he lost his post as the SS and police commander of Warsaw. He was replaced by SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop, who rejected von Sammern-Frankenegg's proposal to call in bomber aircraft from Kraków and proceeded with a better-organized ground assault.

The longest-lasting defense of a position took place around the ŻZW stronghold at Muranowski Square from April 19 to late April. In the afternoon of April 19, two boys climbed up on the roof of the headquarters of the Jewish Resistance there and raised two flags: the red-and-white Polish flag and the blue-and-white banner of the ŻZW (blue and white are the colors of the Flag of Israel today). These flags were well-seen from the Warsaw streets, and the Jews managed to hold off the Germans for four entire days in their attempts to remove them. Stroop recalled:

The matter of the flags was of great political and moral importance. It reminded hundreds of thousands of the Polish cause, it excited them and unified the population of the General Government, but especially Jews and Poles. Flags and national colors are a means of combat exactly like a rapid-fire weapon, like thousands of such weapons. We all knew that - Heinrich Himmler, Krüger, and Hahn. The Reichsfuehrer [Himmler] bellowed into the phone: "Stroop, you must at all costs bring down those two flags."[29]
Another German armoured vehicle was destroyed in a Jewish counterattack, in which ŻZW commander Dawid Moryc Apfelbaum was also killed. After Stroop's ultimatum to surrender was rejected by the defenders, the Nazis resorted to systematically burning houses block by block using flamethrowers and blowing up basements and sewers. "We were beaten by the flames, not the Germans," resistance leader Marek Edelman said in 2007.[2] In 2003, he recalled:The sea of flames flooded houses and courtyards... There was no air, only black, choking smoke and heavy burning heat radiating form (sic) the red-hot walls, from the glowing stone stairs.[30]
The ŻZW lost all its leaders and, on April 29, 1943, the remaining fighters escaped the ghetto through the Muranowski tunnel, and relocated to the Michalin forest. This event marked the end of the organized resistance, and of significant fighting.

The remaining Jewish civilians and surviving fighters took cover in the bunker dugouts which were hidden among the ruins of the Ghetto. The German troops used dogs to look for the hideouts. Smoke grenades, tear gas and reportedly even poison gas were used to force people out. In many instances, the Jewish fighters came out of their hiding places and shot at the Germans, while a number of female fighters lobbed hidden grenades or fired concealed handguns at the Germans after they had surrendered. Small groups of Jewish insurgents attacked German patrols at night. However, German casualties were mostly minimal after the first few days of the uprising.

On May 8, 1943, the Germans discovered the ŻOB's main command post, located at Miła 18 Street. Most of its leadership and dozens of remaining fighters were killed, while others committed mass suicide by ingesting cyanide. The dead included the organization's commander, Mordechaj Anielewicz. His deputy, Edelman, escaped through the sewers on May 10 with a handful of comrades. Two days later, the Bundist Szmul Zygielbojm committed suicide in London in protest, citing a lack of assistance for the insurgents on the part of Western governments:

I cannot continue to live and to be silent while the remnants of Polish Jewry, whose representative I am, are being murdered. My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto fell with arms in their hands in the last heroic battle. I was not permitted to fall like them, together with them, but I belong with them, to their mass grave. By my death, I wish to give expression to my most profound protest against the inaction in which the world watches and permits the destruction of the Jewish people.
The suppression of the uprising officially ended on May 16, 1943. Nevertheless, sporadic resistance continued. The last skirmish took place on June 5, 1943 between Germans and a holdout group of armed insurgents without connection to the resistance groups.

[edit] Death toll13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 residents, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

Jürgen Stroop's internal SS daily report for Friedrich Krüger, written on May 16, 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. (...) Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. (...) Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[22]
On May 24, 1943 Stroop reported 621 Bunkers had been destroyed.

According to the Stroop's report (both causality lists and separate daily reports), his forces suffered 17 killed in action (16 listed by name) and 93 wounded (86 of them listed by name); these figures included over 60 members of Waffen-SS, and did not include the Jewish collaborators). The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher if unknown (by Edelman's estimate about 300 casualties). For the propaganda purposes, official German casualties were announced to be only a few wounded, while bulletins of the Polish Underground State claimed that hundreds of Nazis died in the fighting.

0 Replies
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 12:07 am
Not one of those places could have worked without the Jews working... They made possible their extermination by cooperation...

You know it not hard to be brave siting in your home and under no pressure however here is the result of pressures on a US military officer who later ran for the office of President of the US.

Oh unlike the Jews in WW2 his enemies could not reach his wife and children to put pressure on him in that manner.


After four days, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".[33] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[46][47] Many American POWs were tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements, with many enduring even longer and worse treatment;[48] virtually all of them eventually yielded something to their captors.[4

Mon 6 Jun, 2011 05:34 am
BillRM wrote:

Not one of those places could have worked without the Jews working... They made possible their extermination by cooperation...

You know it not hard to be brave siting in your home and under no pressure however here is the result of pressures on a US military officer who later ran for the office of President of the US.

Oh unlike the Jews in WW2 his enemies could not reach his wife and children to put pressure on him in that manner.


After four days, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".[33] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[46][47] Many American POWs were tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements, with many enduring even longer and worse treatment;[48] virtually all of them eventually yielded something to their captors.[4

I must disagree with you... It is always hard to be brave, to dare to think bravely and act bravely without concern or second thought... I am too brave, and I lived by my courage and hard work... I have saved a life at the risk of my own... I have never run from a fire... I have without prompting helped to hunt down an armed robber while unarmed... People know in advance what their limits are, or if they have any limits, which is more the problem... I mean, in regard to the Jews, that they are strictly and formally ethical, but that alone does not make them nice or human being exactly... One has to consciously join the human race just as they must consciously accept the morals of their community to be a full member... Without being certain, and having no greater knowledge than from living with American Jews, and having a son who is Jewish, I believe they will do about anything to survive, and will do more to profit... They are mentally superior, but so long as they consider themselves Jews rather than human beings first, and believe they are chosen, or entitled; or that the holocaust in some way justifies their own inhumanity -they will be denied my love...
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 06:34 am
I must disagree with you... It is always hard to be brave, to dare to think bravely and act bravely without concern or second thought... I am too brave, and I lived by my courage and hard work... I have saved a life at the risk of my own... I have never run from a fire... I have without prompting helped to hunt down an armed robber while unarmed... People know in advance what their limits are, or if they have any limits, which is more the problem... I mean, in regard to the Jews, that they are strictly and formally ethical

My my I am impressed with your claims and I am assuming you would be brave enough to watch your family being slowly torture to death as that the kind of pressure that the Nazis was more then willing to place on people.

Risking death is nothing for yourself as I had done so for fun as in skydiving or flying a three hundreds pound ultralight to a height of two miles however taking prolong torture is a horse of another color to say nothing of watching a love one being torture.

As far as your claims that you married a Jewish woman if true I can only feel very sorry for the lady and your son.

Hopefully she had divorce you and gotten your son far far far away from you.

Footnote in both sports I had witness friends dying.

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