Sick and Tired of Jewish Propaganda Screwing Up U.S. Foreign Policy

Mon 6 Jun, 2011 06:37 am
i am ne
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Mon 6 Jun, 2011 07:22 am
Another comment the 1930s-1940s holocaust was just the last major pogrom aimed at wiping out the Jewish people in world history.

Hell even the Spanish inquisition was to a large degree aim at finding reasons to seized the property of Jewish families who had converted or claimed to had converted to Christianity in order to be allow to remain in Spain after 1492.

So even Jews who was willing to give up their faith was still targets.
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Mon 6 Jun, 2011 11:37 am
BillRM wrote:

I must disagree with you... It is always hard to be brave, to dare to think bravely and act bravely without concern or second thought... I am too brave, and I lived by my courage and hard work... I have saved a life at the risk of my own... I have never run from a fire... I have without prompting helped to hunt down an armed robber while unarmed... People know in advance what their limits are, or if they have any limits, which is more the problem... I mean, in regard to the Jews, that they are strictly and formally ethical

My my I am impressed with your claims and I am assuming you would be brave enough to watch your family being slowly torture to death as that the kind of pressure that the Nazis was more then willing to place on people.

Risking death is nothing for yourself as I had done so for fun as in skydiving or flying a three hundreds pound ultralight to a height of two miles however taking prolong torture is a horse of another color to say nothing of watching a love one being torture.

As far as your claims that you married a Jewish woman if true I can only feel very sorry for the lady and your son.

Hopefully she had divorce you and gotten your son far far far away from you.

Footnote in both sports I had witness friends dying.
The brutalisty was the true crime along with the slavery to death for so many... What is it, as a crime, to kill some one??? You only do what time will do if you do not.... But to suffer some one with brutality is to make them hate their lives, and as far as we know, life is all we have of meaning...
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Mon 6 Jun, 2011 12:05 pm
The initial post that started this thread had this statement:
"My question is: HOW CAN WE ALLOW SUCH THINGS????

I tried to understand where that insidious influence started and I found this seemingly innocuous article that explains it. The Jews are re-writing history. Who controls our understanding of the past controls our present and our future. "

I believe that within the above statement is the attitude that Jews are really outsiders to some birthright of the Gentile majority. Well, in my opinion, Jews who only number some five or six million in the U.S. are not magicians, so their disproportionate influence for their concerns may just be based on they have an easy act to follow.

And, since this is a capitalistic country, it really does not matter how many of any group is here. What matters is what a group is doing. And, while some Jews are busy making money, or effecting political influence, others spent their time, for example, developing/discovering for all of youse guys both the oral and regular polio vaccine. I do not hear any complaints about that. Or when they are good dentists, or they cure a child's infection, or when they teach a child to read, etc., etc. In effect, amongst a goodly number of youse Gentiles, only when you are getting "good utility" from "The Jews" do you keep a lid on the natural tribal instincts to think of Jews as outsiders. Sorry guys, the U.S.A. does not have outsiders; only Europe did.

This thread should be relabeled: Sick and Tired of Gentile Ingratitude for Jewish Contributions to Civilization.

Mon 6 Jun, 2011 12:25 pm
I more then likely owe my very existed to a few Jewish scientists along with ten of millions of others gentiles who fathers and grandfathers was likely to had been killed if we needed to had invade the Japanese home islands at the end of WW2.
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:29 pm
BillRM wrote:

I more then likely owe my very existed to a few Jewish scientists along with ten of millions of others gentiles who fathers and grandfathers was likely to had been killed if we needed to had invade the Japanese home islands at the end of WW2.
True, and the one in charge of the project actually had a conscience... The remark to Truman about having blood on his hands was classic, as was the one of having become death... What times were those when America was coming into its in physics and industry... I would like to see us manage that today... The whole scientific community couldn't find its ass with both hands... Industry couldn't do anything without the help of our most likely enemies... Were screwed... We could have survived anything but success, but look at us now, broked and smoked...
0 Replies
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 01:34 pm
Foofie wrote:

The initial post that started this thread had this statement:
"My question is: HOW CAN WE ALLOW SUCH THINGS????

I tried to understand where that insidious influence started and I found this seemingly innocuous article that explains it. The Jews are re-writing history. Who controls our understanding of the past controls our present and our future. "

I believe that within the above statement is the attitude that Jews are really outsiders to some birthright of the Gentile majority. Well, in my opinion, Jews who only number some five or six million in the U.S. are not magicians, so their disproportionate influence for their concerns may just be based on they have an easy act to follow.

And, since this is a capitalistic country, it really does not matter how many of any group is here. What matters is what a group is doing. And, while some Jews are busy making money, or effecting political influence, others spent their time, for example, developing/discovering for all of youse guys both the oral and regular polio vaccine. I do not hear any complaints about that. Or when they are good dentists, or they cure a child's infection, or when they teach a child to read, etc., etc. In effect, amongst a goodly number of youse Gentiles, only when you are getting "good utility" from "The Jews" do you keep a lid on the natural tribal instincts to think of Jews as outsiders. Sorry guys, the U.S.A. does not have outsiders; only Europe did.

This thread should be relabeled: Sick and Tired of Gentile Ingratitude for Jewish Contributions to Civilization.

My question to you would be: How can you stop them short of the destruction of your own humanity... They are smart, they stick together as we cannot, and they are everywhere money and power can be found... They are not that much better than us old white folks, not any better than the Chinese, but they use the little advantage of nature and culture to their best advantage, and who can blame them since it is not illegal and they are not exactly part of our nation, but their own nation, sorjourners... If you made exploitation of human beings illegal today, tomorrow they would be prosecuting offenders... They win.. They are too smart for us or we are too dum for them...
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 02:49 pm
My question to you would be: How can you stop them short of the destruction of your own humanity... They are smart, they stick together as we cannot, and they are everywhere money and power can be found... They are not that much better than us old white folks, not any better than the Chinese, but they use the little advantage of nature and culture to their best advantage, and who can blame them since it is not illegal and they are not exactly part of our nation, but their own nation, sorjourners... If you made exploitation of human beings illegal today, tomorrow they would be prosecuting offenders... They win.. They are too smart for us or we are too dum for them...

You are sick person indeed if you believed any of the above nonsense and of all the groups in the world the Jews who had have whole populations wipe out for the last two thousands years.

Two thousands years of this kind of nonsense should be enough and I had never never agree with the European approach of declaring such talks as illegal hate speech but still as time after time after time such talk had let to one pogroms after another maybe I and the founding fathers was wrong in that regard.
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 04:58 pm
BillRM wrote:

My question to you would be: How can you stop them short of the destruction of your own humanity... They are smart, they stick together as we cannot, and they are everywhere money and power can be found... They are not that much better than us old white folks, not any better than the Chinese, but they use the little advantage of nature and culture to their best advantage, and who can blame them since it is not illegal and they are not exactly part of our nation, but their own nation, sorjourners... If you made exploitation of human beings illegal today, tomorrow they would be prosecuting offenders... They win.. They are too smart for us or we are too dum for them...

You are sick person indeed if you believed any of the above nonsense and of all the groups in the world the Jews who had have whole populations wipe out for the last two thousands years.

Two thousands years of this kind of nonsense should be enough and I had never never agree with the European approach of declaring such talks as illegal hate speech but still as time after time after time such talk had let to one pogroms after another maybe I and the founding fathers was wrong in that regard.
You don't have to kill anyone to suit me... I wish the jews would join the human race... They are not really different genetically, but their culture justifies the exploitation of non Jews... Really, in Europe the rich Jews exploited the poor Jews, and for debts would turn the daughters of the poor into whores... I remember stories from my kids family about coming to America and finding the old social hierarchy gone, and now able to rise on ability... I don't have the cure... I don't have the cure for the chinese either, who see themselves apart and make their own rules as they go... I admire the Chinese and think they make fine Americans... I think Jews have made fine Americas to the extent that they abandoned their culture and accepted our culture, which being primarily protestant is mostly Jewish in character anyway... I still ask: What shall be done with any group that feels itself superior, is willing to take advantage, and is superior in intelligence and education??? I am looking for an answer; not a solution...
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 05:16 pm
They are not really different genetically, but their culture justifies the exploitation of non Jews... R

Sorry it is not the Jewish people who have a two thousands history of killing non-Jews.
Mon 6 Jun, 2011 09:01 pm
BillRM wrote:

They are not really different genetically, but their culture justifies the exploitation of non Jews... R

Sorry it is not the Jewish people who have a two thousands history of killing non-Jews.
They might have blended in any day, and no doubt, many have... If they saw an advantage in maintaining their cultural identity, they must have also been aware of the risks... The choice was not entirely one sided, and never was... You understand, the jews justify what they do to Gentiles and Gentiles justify what they do to Jews... I think, both sides must like the situation as it stands or they would find the means to correct it...
0 Replies
Wed 8 Jun, 2011 11:35 am
Fido wrote:

... I still ask: What shall be done with any group that feels itself superior, is willing to take advantage, and is superior in intelligence and education??? I am looking for an answer; not a solution...

You are forgetting that within the population of White Gentiles in the U.S.A. there are Gentiles that do not care who they exploit. In fact their exploitation may be based on feeling very superior to many others. Jews have no monopoly on superior feelings. In fact, in my opinion, Jews do not feel superior, they just feel that they should not pander to the left side of the bell curve that may be hypersensitive to a Jew that has tried to better himself/herself with education?

The solution is to ignore the belief that someone feels superior to anyone, since that is a human trait. Better you become superior in some way yourself, rather than dislike the fact that many people, Jewish or Gentile, do feel superior to those that they have reason to think are inferior in some trait/quality.

But, I believe it is not any feeling of superiority amongst Jews that is disliked by Gentiles. The anti-Semitism came first, and then the reaction of some Gentiles has been historically, "Who does that (inferior) Jew think he/she is, acting/thinking he/she is superior?" In the antebellum South and the Jim Crow South this was also said about Blacks that supposedly "acted uppity."

As a secular Jew, I have met many Gentiles that are superior to me in some quality/ability. That never bothered me. It is the reality of living. And, I have met some Gentiles that are inferior to me in some quality/ability. Since I never told them so, and they cannot read my mind, it would have been their assumption that I was aware of their inferiority in some quality/trait. Probably they may have just been told that Jews feel superior, which is just anti-Semitic propaganda.

Plus, many Gentiles today have Jewish friends where this concern of yours does not come up. Perhaps, you have had no Jewish friends to experience Jews as just people?

I think the problem is that for their small numbers in the world/U.S.A., they do not subscribe to the bigoted belief that Jews should "know their place and act humble." Well, that would be correct, if being born Gentile afforded one some sort of Gentile "birthright." Well, it did in Nazi Germany. Here in the U.S.A. one should understand that we all earn the respect of others, and if we do not, then some people may just think they are better than us.

And then there is the reality that Jews in the U.S.A. are no more clannish than many other groups. So, I would learn what makes Jews supposedly "superior" and then copy their paradigm. In other words, if you can't beat them join them. But, they are only accepting smart Gentiles, so not knowing your level of education, etc., I do not know if you would qualify as a Jew novitiate?

It is also possible, that the Jewish culture, which is obviously not the Christian culture, may not emphasize the individual quality of "humility" in the same way (for many non-Orthodox Jews) that Christianity emphasizes "individual humility." Well, that can be a continuing sticking point, since many Jews do not look upon "pride" as the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins as Christianity does. Oh well, I guess that will make for continuing anti-Semitism amongst many emotionally sensitive Gentiles?

I hope I have helped you, since I really feel your pain of being a Gentile that has issues over Jews, inasmuch as they are often such a contributing member of the American society. At least more than those on the left side of the bell curve.
Thu 9 Jun, 2011 05:21 am
What you might try to understand that Protestantism was a U-turn for Christianity back toward Judaism... Much of the exploitation of people by people has some support in a notion both Jews and Protestants seem to accept, that I call tangible justification... All the questions about whether a person is justified by faith, or justified by works was put aside to answer one single question: How shall a person know they are blessed.... Obviously, profit, prosperity, and even intelligence, and invention might be considered signs; but if you judge yourself blessed by wealth there is a great pressure to have wealth to know you are blessed... I look at the Sermon on the Mount and other expressions from the mouth of Jesus as see almost everyone is blessed, yet he seemed to imply that the rich already have their reward... You must understand, that the Catholic Church once made the argument for fair profits, but to the Protestant or Jewish Capitalists, there was only what the market could bear, and so the old church was swept away, and her inalienable property seized...

I can see their point, even from the point of view of nation... If you look at some peoples who do not allow exploitation through interests, the distance between rich and poor is not great, and wealth is more evenly spread, but that wealth is also eaten up by many children which is the poor man's investment in the future... Without having wealth in private hands, technological advancement is slight... As bad as it is for a few to use all the rest like cattle, capitalism does fuel technology, and all the wealth in private hands still is the property of the people who might easily take it back... Where children are wealth let some one try to do likewise...Profit is theft, and high profits are great theft, so there is no such thing as a fair profit... People must take what they can out of their neighbors before some one else takes them first... But then, the whole society is bled white, and weakened, and even the lives of the rich are put in doubt... It was once okay to make slaves of strangers or people from other nations, and this is moral... To take out of ones own people can only be done when one thinks of survival as individual rather than social... That is what we are taught, the survival of the fittest... The capitalist version of that story is hardly truth... It is the species that survives if it can adapt... One would have to believe in God, and in heaven before the destruction of the society that defends you, and your wealth, could be justified...
0 Replies
Thu 9 Jun, 2011 08:31 am
I am not sure if your post reflects a Catholic/Protestant/Agnostic position? Or, maybe a position based on one's political affiliation?

However, back to this thread's original concern, blaming American Jews for the U.S.A.'s continued support of Israel, in my opinion, is like picking on the skinny, timid Jewish kid in the schoolyard, rather than try to bully the tough kids. I say that since there are 60 million Born Again Evangelical Christians that are very pro-Israel. Many to the point of considering themselves Christian Zionists. Many of their children join the military. Some consider themselves as a defense against Christianity's enemies. Many even think of themselves as Christian Zionists. And, each one has one vote too.

So, blaming Jews for their "vocal" support of Israel is sort of like being a bully, in my opinion, since their support may often be the post traumatic consequence of understanding the Holocaust from a visceral perspective. One would not be a bully if one complained about the Christian Right that supports Israel, as required for bible prophecy to come to fruition (The Second Coming). And the support for Israel from the Christian Right is based on the desire to hasten the Second Coming. Anyway, I never hear any complaint about the 60 million Evangelicals that support Israel. Could that be, because those that are not pro-Israel know that there is enough residual anti-Semitism in the world to maintain a following by just "blaming the Jews"?

Plus, when Catholics are pro-Palestinean, or pro-Arab, I always have to wonder whether they are just trying to give the impression that the U.S.A. is not entirely made up of right-wing anti-Arab hawks, since such an image could result in their Catholic co-religionists, that do live world-wide, and in the Middle East, could become the target of anti-west rioting?

And, the basic premise of this thread is atavistic, since Jews are Americans just like all other Americans, and have been here just as long, so the basis of "they" and "us" is just so much divisiveness that is not part of the American tradition.
Fri 10 Jun, 2011 06:33 am
Foofie wrote:

I am not sure if your post reflects a Catholic/Protestant/Agnostic position? Or, maybe a position based on one's political affiliation?

However, back to this thread's original concern, blaming American Jews for the U.S.A.'s continued support of Israel, in my opinion, is like picking on the skinny, timid Jewish kid in the schoolyard, rather than try to bully the tough kids. I say that since there are 60 million Born Again Evangelical Christians that are very pro-Israel. Many to the point of considering themselves Christian Zionists. Many of their children join the military. Some consider themselves as a defense against Christianity's enemies. Many even think of themselves as Christian Zionists. And, each one has one vote too.

So, blaming Jews for their "vocal" support of Israel is sort of like being a bully, in my opinion, since their support may often be the post traumatic consequence of understanding the Holocaust from a visceral perspective. One would not be a bully if one complained about the Christian Right that supports Israel, as required for bible prophecy to come to fruition (The Second Coming). And the support for Israel from the Christian Right is based on the desire to hasten the Second Coming. Anyway, I never hear any complaint about the 60 million Evangelicals that support Israel. Could that be, because those that are not pro-Israel know that there is enough residual anti-Semitism in the world to maintain a following by just "blaming the Jews"?

Plus, when Catholics are pro-Palestinean, or pro-Arab, I always have to wonder whether they are just trying to give the impression that the U.S.A. is not entirely made up of right-wing anti-Arab hawks, since such an image could result in their Catholic co-religionists, that do live world-wide, and in the Middle East, could become the target of anti-west rioting?

And, the basic premise of this thread is atavistic, since Jews are Americans just like all other Americans, and have been here just as long, so the basis of "they" and "us" is just so much divisiveness that is not part of the American tradition.
As long as they are Jews they will NEVER be Americans... WE all left that crap at the door or at least soon after... The Jews, and Many Muslims are hanging on to all that makes them a separate Nation within the Nation... They are no different in this than the Evangelical who believe given their special privilages that they are above the law and moral restraint...It is just that the Jews are more widely connected to the whole world Nation of Israel, which is a nation in the true sense of the word: a people springing from a common mother...That is their true affinity... That is their true loyalty...

I can understand the Evangelicals... They are idiots, but dangerous idiots... There is nothing stupid about the Jews, and they seek power where ever they are... You cannot read about any place in European history where the Jews did not rise just as far as they were allowed to, and if they were not allowed to rise further then they undermined... Not to say that should not have happened anyway... It is just that government is designed or becomes a channel for wealth and power when it should not be, but as a channel it can be turned for the Jews by the Jews so that few besides them see the benefit of government...
Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:03 pm
Fido wrote:

As long as they are Jews they will NEVER be Americans... WE all left that crap at the door or at least soon after... The Jews, and Many Muslims are hanging on to all that makes them a separate Nation within the Nation... They are no different in this than the Evangelical who believe given their special privilages that they are above the law and moral restraint...It is just that the Jews are more widely connected to the whole world Nation of Israel, which is a nation in the true sense of the word: a people springing from a common mother...That is their true affinity... That is their true loyalty...

I can understand the Evangelicals... They are idiots, but dangerous idiots... There is nothing stupid about the Jews, and they seek power where ever they are... You cannot read about any place in European history where the Jews did not rise just as far as they were allowed to, and if they were not allowed to rise further then they undermined... Not to say that should not have happened anyway... It is just that government is designed or becomes a channel for wealth and power when it should not be, but as a channel it can be turned for the Jews by the Jews so that few besides them see the benefit of government...

Well, I guess you defined the U.S.A. as a Gentile nation officially. I hope you have some documentation to support that assertion, since your assertion that Jews are a "nation within a nation" is exactly what was said about the Jews in Nazi propaganda. You are not the first to make that assertion. However, there are many non-Jews in the U.S.A. that value the Jewish presence, since rather than feel the Jews are unwelcome outsiders, usurping some sort of position of non-Jews, these philo-Semitic Gentiles find that Jews contribute to the country in a valuable way. But, if you know those philo-Semitic Gentiles are in error, you might find more exacting accusations than the vague assertion that they are a nation within a nation, or that they are usurping power. Too vague for most folks.

Also, what is eroding your position is the number of intermarriages between Jews and Christians. That means that with each generation passing, families know that someone in their respective family tree was Jewish, even though everone might be Christian presently. That makes for a hard sell to get people to indict themselves, since if one's grandfather was a Jew, that makes a person 25% Jewish, and if your thinking came to fruition, they might be in a position to be disenfranchised from their equal citizenship? So, more and more people are just considering American Jews just another part of our total diversity.

By the way, if you want to stop that intermarriage, I would offer the thought that many a nice Christian girl might find the Jewish guy she meets as a refreshing alternative from any macho-bigoted rhetoric she might have found in her own background of males. Some nice Christian girls really like the fact that Jewish families usually never use racial epithets, like the "N" word. So, I would work on the Gentile culture to stop the intermarriages, if that would be of concern to you?

I also wonder whether you have more important things to do than do this "summer rerun" of European pre-WWII anti-Semitism? I say that since American Jews really do help this country maintain its global position econonomically and intellectually, at least amongst those levels of U.S. society. Your position is just a little late, I believe. I do feel your pain.

Sat 11 Jun, 2011 07:23 am
Teddy Roosevelt said there are no hyphenated Americans... He was right... This is everyone's last chance, and it is being screwed up with a lot of old world ideas that should have been left at the door... So if you are just here bleeding this people so you can go back to Israel and bleed Palestinians, get the fck outa town... You are not welcome here, and you don't count as human in my book... Humanity is welcome here... Show you are human if you want to be welcomed...
Sat 11 Jun, 2011 09:49 am
Fido wrote:

Teddy Roosevelt said there are no hyphenated Americans... He was right... This is everyone's last chance, and it is being screwed up with a lot of old world ideas that should have been left at the door... So if you are just here bleeding this people so you can go back to Israel and bleed Palestinians, get the fck outa town... You are not welcome here, and you don't count as human in my book... Humanity is welcome here... Show you are human if you want to be welcomed...

You don't think many Irish-Americans are concerned about the welfare of Ireland? You don't think many WASP's are concerned about the welfare of mother England? (We did not get into WWII to protect Poland.)

Anyway, the fact that American Jews are concerned about the welfare of Israel does not make them less American, unless being American means that one should be just plain vanilla American, of some Protestant denomination, and ancestors that came from as many countries as one has fingers.

Again I remind you that 60 million Americans, of Evangelical faith, are very concerned about Israel, perhaps more so than many an American Jew. So, I believe the U.S.A. will still be pro-Israel, with the monetary support, even if all American Jews went to Antarctica. So, I believe your advice towards American Jews is poorly thought out.

I assume you are not a hyphenated American. Ain't that peachy. We are all not so lucky. So, until many "ethnics" lose that "hyphen" I think you deserve a "C-" for hospitality.

Also, your desire to rid America of its Jewish Americans must mean that you are giving this advice based on some authority you were given. I wouldn't want to think that an "unhyphenated" American has usurped the laws of the U.S.A., based perhaps on the misconstrued belief of the rights of the "unhyphenated"?

And, let me tell you a bit of bitter truth. Many of the unhyphenated Americans (aka, WASP's) would rather have American Jews as citizens of the U.S.A. than many an American of your thinking. You see, American Jews are a resource (intellectual/financial) to America, and they know it. Many other people of your thinking are the marginal haves of the society, and only a drain on the society. Do you live on the "right side" of the tracks, so to speak. If not, you already know what I am saying; if not, this might be disappointing news.

Also, save your breath, if you will respond with just a tirade that responds to none of my posted points. I really get your thinking. Giving it over and over again in a litany just is not good for your equanimity.

Since I do not know your background, while you have a better idea of mine, I cannot really accept that your posts truly reflect an unbiased opinion. Maybe they do; maybe they don't?
Pamela Rosa
Mon 13 Jun, 2011 05:12 am

cui prodest scelus, is fecit

0 Replies
Mon 13 Jun, 2011 05:43 am
Foofie wrote:

Fido wrote:

Teddy Roosevelt said there are no hyphenated Americans... He was right... This is everyone's last chance, and it is being screwed up with a lot of old world ideas that should have been left at the door... So if you are just here bleeding this people so you can go back to Israel and bleed Palestinians, get the fck outa town... You are not welcome here, and you don't count as human in my book... Humanity is welcome here... Show you are human if you want to be welcomed...

You don't think many Irish-Americans are concerned about the welfare of Ireland? You don't think many WASP's are concerned about the welfare of mother England? (We did not get into WWII to protect Poland.)

Anyway, the fact that American Jews are concerned about the welfare of Israel does not make them less American, unless being American means that one should be just plain vanilla American, of some Protestant denomination, and ancestors that came from as many countries as one has fingers.

Again I remind you that 60 million Americans, of Evangelical faith, are very concerned about Israel, perhaps more so than many an American Jew. So, I believe the U.S.A. will still be pro-Israel, with the monetary support, even if all American Jews went to Antarctica. So, I believe your advice towards American Jews is poorly thought out.

I assume you are not a hyphenated American. Ain't that peachy. We are all not so lucky. So, until many "ethnics" lose that "hyphen" I think you deserve a "C-" for hospitality.

Also, your desire to rid America of its Jewish Americans must mean that you are giving this advice based on some authority you were given. I wouldn't want to think that an "unhyphenated" American has usurped the laws of the U.S.A., based perhaps on the misconstrued belief of the rights of the "unhyphenated"?

And, let me tell you a bit of bitter truth. Many of the unhyphenated Americans (aka, WASP's) would rather have American Jews as citizens of the U.S.A. than many an American of your thinking. You see, American Jews are a resource (intellectual/financial) to America, and they know it. Many other people of your thinking are the marginal haves of the society, and only a drain on the society. Do you live on the "right side" of the tracks, so to speak. If not, you already know what I am saying; if not, this might be disappointing news.

Also, save your breath, if you will respond with just a tirade that responds to none of my posted points. I really get your thinking. Giving it over and over again in a litany just is not good for your equanimity.

Since I do not know your background, while you have a better idea of mine, I cannot really accept that your posts truly reflect an unbiased opinion. Maybe they do; maybe they don't?
All Americans ought to be concerned about the welfare of the world... Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere... Tyranny anywhere is an enemy of Democracy everywhere... The problem is that Jews are on the wrong side of Justice and Democracy... They have to do no more than give their loyalty to the United States of America; but they are a people loyal to their own self interests, and all are qualified for dual citizenship in Israel... Who is it that can serve to masters and do justice to each??? If they are not with us, and willing to put that nonsense aside, then they should leave... I know my people left Ireland and Germany for a better life and freedom here... It is possible that each and every one of them left with dreams of returning with millions falling out of their pockets to show the folks back home... But, each settled for a life with this land gave them and this people made possible, and I figure if they had ever had anything back home, they would have stayed, and defended it there... I defend what I have, my limited freedom and property, as did my people before me... If you tell me your home is in Israel, I will tell you to get on home and quit taking advantage of better people... And I would say the same to any people: Come in and close the door... Let us together make this a place worth defending for all time... Forget about the past... Surrender all other loyalties... Think about and live in the future...

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