I think it's more a size/ age thing than anything else. Third and fourth graders play together in this league. Sozlet, as a third-grader last year, was pretty pitiful. She and the other really good player are the two fourth-graders on the team, and they both tower over most of the third-graders (they're both tall for their age anyway) as well as being much stronger and more skilled.
There are more third-graders than fourth-graders in this league, and I think in the draft they tried to balance things out as well as they could with age, size, and skills. Most other teams have more fourth graders, who are smaller and/ or less-skilled (except for one other fourth-grader who sozlet's team played against yesterday, she's streaky and yesterday she was on FIRE. Got every bounce. It was her team's first win).
With two tall, strong and skilled fourth-graders, I think the team got some of the weaker and smaller third-graders to round things out and make the teams even. One of the third-graders is a dynamo though, she'll be great next year I think. Just tiny.
Anyway, I'm actually really happy with the coaching. They're a big part of the reason she's doing so well. She's very coachable with the right kind of coach. She had a yelly, non-teachy one last year. This years' coaches are calm, positive, and very good at instruction.
At least one of the third graders is good in practice but completely wilts in games. That's just her personality. (Sozlet says "she's skilled but she's just a bit too
Sozlet isn't really hyper-competitive in general -- she's competitive but isn't a sore loser. It's more when she feels like she specifically should have done something that she didn't do -- she's very hard on herself. If the loss is out of her hands she's not happy about it but also not that upset.
The tears in both cases were definitely linked to physical discomfort -- the nose bashing and the severe nausea (she was really close to barfing).