I suppose K is right however, in that in order for us to develop that awareness of how our lives are determined by this "dreamlike" state, we need to have "non-judgemental observation" in order to transcend the little selves that we have no control over. it may be that external help will be interpreted by one of the little selves, or even that a new self will develop to absorb this information, without it having any real effect upon our awareness.
This has some similarity to memetics in psychology. Just as we are "under the spell" of our various selves, when we acquire a meme, which is any piece of information that can be passed on from human to human, it becomes something which we are determined by. Consciousness itself is considered to be a collection of memes (Dennett), which produces the illusion of the self as having free will and the capacity to think independently, when in reality, memes do our thinking for "us".
Just as Gurdjieff talks about "help" from the outside, which can guide us to fuller awareness, memetic engineering is the process of deliberately altering the memetic structure of someone’s consciousness, through teaching, therapy etc.