Quote:I will not argue in defense of democrat or republican intelligence... The democrats are more emotionally well balanced and connected; but not a damned bit smarter than the republicans... How do you give anyone good grades for repeating behavior time and time again; often through their entire life times expecting good results to follow when good results never once follow that behavior before??? The reason politician act as they do is that their bad behavior is rewarded... But why do we do as we do when our behavior bears no fruit??? The only explanation is that both parties are populated by idiots... What do you think???
More like both parties populated by people who don't see themselves as having any real options.
The problem is that a country like Italy with a dozen political parties could have one or two of them go rogue without damage... We can't afford to have one of our two parties go rogue; that forces the other party into unnatural positions just to compete. Worse, it's basically illegal to vote for a third party candidate in most American elections, i.e. you're basically just assuring your least favorite candidate of victory by ever voting for a third party.
The stranglehold on power by the two parties has to be broken before the system can be fixed. The most major part of what is needed throughout the land is runoff or instant runoff elections for all public offices.
What this all really leads to is the concept of a
Voters Bill of Rights
To me at least such a bill would look more or less as follows:
The first item of such a bill HAS TO BE runoff elections or instant runoff elections for all public offices.
Nobody should ever fear to vote his first choice, at least on a first ballot, and nobody should ever hold any public office with less than 50% of the vote.
There should also be a None-Of-Above choice on all ballots for public office and if that choice ever wins, then the other candidates should be barred for life from holding any public office and the parties sponsoring them should be barred for at least ten years from sponsoring candidates for that particular office. The penalty for running dead wood for public offices should be severe.
Another item on such a voters' bill of rights should be something which would eliminate voting fraud and stolen elections as in the case of Al Franken for all time. That might mean getting rid of the secret ballot, or it could mean that when an election is within one percentage point, send both people to congress with half of a vote each. You could expect them to split their vote on ideological issues but vote identically on issues which affect their own district.
There should be a provision that when a president is impeached and removed, his VP goes out the door with him and the office is either vacant until the next election or an emergency election is held to fill the office for the remainder of the current term. Granted removing a president should be difficult but it should not be impossible and if we couldn't remove Slick, we'd not have been able to remove Hitler or Nero either.
What happened in 98/99 was that Trent Lott simply refused to hand the presidency over to Algor with a year to go on Slick's second term, for obvious reasons. The situation should not be possible.
A person should need to be a US citizen for 18 years before voting in a US election. It should not be possible for a rogue political party to rule our land by simply importing large voting blocks for itself.
There should also be some mechanism to prevent utterly unqualified people from holding high offices. Certainly a candidate for president or vice president, or for US Senator or member of the House of Representatives should need to obtain the same basic and simple secret level security clearance which anybody would need to be a guard at the gate of any military base in our land. That isn't asking for much but it would have spared us from the last two democrat presidents.
There are a few other things you'd want but that's the main gist of it. There is also a question as to the extent the people should be voting on issues directly since we now have the technology to allow that while the founding fathers did not. You could get some of these evil social issues settled once and for all and out of politics, and you could limit the scope for corruption and bribery by letting the people themselves settle at least some kinds of issues.