@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
I would think the big 64 thousand dollar question would be whether invasion is justified where the leader of the country defies human rights and continues to kill their own people. How long is the world community supposed to sit it out and wait?
Your statement implies that the "international community" has a coherent view of the situation; agrees on what should be done; and is willing to act at all. The observable fact is that none of these elements are true.
No one is "holding back" the international community. It is and long has been indesisive and unwilling to either agree or react. It is worth remembering that this same "international community" approved Ghadaffis' government's membership in the UN Human Rights Commission.
Equally bad events have occurred - and are still occurring in other countries, ranging from Zimbabwe to Iran and Tibet. The "international community" has stedfastly held back from concrete action on them, and there is every reason to believe they will not reach agreement on a coherent path forward in this case.
It is merely ironic that many of the calls for intervention are coming from precisely the same sources that so vociferously condemned the US intervention in Iran - which did indeed follow even worse crimes by Saddam against his owen people. My point here is these situations are far more comples and involve far more side effects than the protagonists and antagonists usually acknowledge.