I 'glued' the walls together tonight. Piffka, I had all the boxes and cans, etc, ready to hold the walls up, but, to my surpise, I did not need them! Whether it's a good testament to my icing or not(!), it really was as effective as cement! I will let the walls set hard overnight and try attaching the roof tomorrow. The only complaint I have with it so far is that, as I made my own template, I think I made the house a little tall, and it looks like a regular house from the housing estate across the road, rather than a cutesy cottage in the woods like, LOL!
I really would love to see pics of anyone else's houses - littlek!
Colourbook, too funny! Fortunately for my stomach, I don't see my gingerbread house ending up anywhere except my stomach :p
I <b>will</b> post a picture of my finished house here, later in the week, as long as nobody laughs... Lol! I tried to make a little gingerbread man to stand outside, but it was too difficult. If only I had one of Piffka's little Scottie dogs to guard over it tonight - so I don't nibble it before I finish it!