Sat 20 Dec, 2003 04:46 am
It seems there have been a few posts lately regarding age-old questions. There is one that has always puzzled me. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? This is confusing. First, why would anyone, angel or not, wish to dance on a pin, when a ballroom or nightclub is far more comfortable? Second, assuming that angels do exist, why would they be dancing in the first place? Dancing is essentially a human mating ritual, and angels don't mate or have genitals, from what I hear. Third, assuming there are angels and they live in heaven, why would they have pins? Surely they have no need for them. Discuss.
Because infinite existing on the head of a pin is profoundly more tasteful than infinite existing in a genital and much more intriguing than infinite existing on the dance floor. Because any woman or girl who seriously chooses mates based on dancing ability is likely to be too vacuous to talk, let alone debate metaphysical problems. Any male who takes that believes that spending hours prancing on a dance floor + performing pelvic thrusts is the best way to attract females should not be encouraged to write poetry, which is itself nothing more than a grotesque mating ritual when used by many men. Because writing poetry was probably Donne's only way to perform the aforementioned mating ritual.
John Donne, having been married, must have had something going for him.
I have always believed that something had been lost in the translation, and that the original expression was to inquire as to the number of angels who could dance on a pinhead--those believing that angels actually exist being prime candidates for such a description.
I actually thought it was a bowling reference, but I'm not sure if angels bowl. As for Donne, I love his poetry, but he was clearly torn between his spooky god and his desire to get some poon. Other religions besides Catholocism know that good poon does get you closer to god.
you been hitting the vanilla extract again?
Area of the head of a pin divided by the area of a dancing angel. Duh!
I always picture angels as these klutzy zaftig cows like Kirsty Alley (sp?)
No vanilla extract there farmerman, just curious about this very serious question.
farmerman wrote:I always picture angels as these klutzy zaftig cows like Kirsty Alley (sp?)
I always thought of your Kate Moss or Audrey Hepburn types. They are insubstantial, aren't they?
No I think theyd be funnier as Ms Alley, kind of always banging into the furnituer and knocking over the china. Always meaning well but never quite getting it. ANd dressed up in these immense splayed out ball gowns made of some highly flammable synthetic material.
Each one carrying a wand with a big star at the end.
Unless ypou werent going for funny
You may be thinking of fairy godmothers. That quite fits my idea of one. Big, blousey, loud, maybe half-drunk, with an inneundo and an appropriate and timely word of advice.
Wouldn't a fairy godmother be some guy in drag?
Would it surprise anybody if I said:
I don't know if there are angels...
if there are, I don't know if they enjoy dancing on pin heads...
...and if there are angels and if they do enjoy dancing on pin heads...
I don't know how many would fit.
By the by...all this pin head talk makes me wonder if this thread shouldn't have been posted in the Politics section.
And our president has more important things to worry about right now.
As I stated earlier cav, as many as god told to (assuming there is a god). Because angels have no free will and would neither dance nor perform pelvic thrusts without someone first telling them to. So, they would only dance on george bush if god told them to do so. Judging by the ugliness of our beloved bush, I would assume that a good thousand are currently dancing on his face.
On a different note, I've only heard from other people that angels have no free will. Is this true, and if so, how did lucifer ever attain independence?
The Earth is one very large pin
in the fabric of space.
But there be no angels here. They lost their innocence
the moment they did the funky chicken.
quite a handsome countenance there set. You Moisturizing?
Ah, good, time to go to the dogs again . . . i'll be bight rack . . .
Well Cav,...
Angels are spirits who live in heaven with God. Also the devils of hell who are angels fallen from goodness.
There can be as many angels in the same place as want to be, because they are spirits. Two, or five, or seventeen, or an infinite number of angels can dance on the head of a pin at once, because they don't take up space the way we do.
Well, Lucifer was cast out of heaven for annoying his boss, so here's the thing....if, as an angel, you can only achieve free will by being cast out of heaven, I say, HAHAHAHA! Losers.....Yay Lucifer! Who's to say that fallen angels aren't just spirit folk who just wanted to try **** out on their own?