@failures art,
New England was covered by 3 Km of ice during the Illinoian and Wisconsin Glaciation. After this ice retreated, the land began rebounding from compressional stresses. Its still rebounding. We have several geologic formations near the Maine shore called the "Presumpscott Formations" which, by their patterns of deposition, we can see that the sea/land contact is actually lowering based upon rebound. There are chunkas of the Presumpscott where one can see whale fossils high up in sediments on a cliffside, and these whale fossils are recent (less than 10000 years)
Remember , theres about 30 million km of ice in the planet and about 20million km of which s in contact with the ground (this is the amount that is NOT floating pack Ice). If all that ice were to just decouple, or float away, or dissolve, the oceans would rise (HOW MANY FEET?)