caprice wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:
Nope! I do not classify "faith" as a guess.
"Belief" is a guess.
"Faith" is the insistance that your guesses are more than guesses simply because you call them beliefs.
Ah but Frank, by your definition you are diminishing the meanings of those words.
I don't think so. Not at all. But we can certainly discuss that.
Quote:To witness faith is to witness something much more powerful than a guess.
Not sure what you mean by "witness faith" -- but if you mean to insist that a particular belief or set of beliefs is TRUTH -- then it is nothing more than bull-headedness.
Bull-headedness is not especially powerful -- just annoying.
Quote: For me faith is, in part, about trust and about the heart.
Yes, I understand that.
But I am trying to show you that you may be rationalizing. -- trying to put the very best face on a truly petty function.
Let's see if I can explain my reasoning: A person can say "There definitely is a GOD -- and the Bible describes that GOD."
That is a belief. It is, by any reasonable standard of measure, a guess about the unknown.
(Now if you are going to assert a private revelation -- we will have to make a long, arduous departure to first investigate this "revelation". I hope that is not the case, because every previous ":private revelation" I've ever encountered has easily been seen to be blather. So I am going to assume you are simply accepting the Bible for whatever you accept it to be; and that you are simply accepting the notion that there is a God.)
...the person has this guess (which he/she calls a belief) that there exists an entity GOD -- and has a further guess (also called a belief) that the ancient Hebrews were in touch with this GOD -- and they accurately described what the GOD is like -- and what pleases and offends the GOD.
Then the person talks about "faith."
By "faith" they inist that their guesses about the exitence of a GOD -- and knowledge about that GOD -- ARE TRUTH.
So..."beliefs" are guesses about the unknown -- and "faith" is the insistance that the guesses are something more than guesses.
Quote:I see people who have true faith and there is a tranquility within that would otherwise not exist.
Yes, I can see that you do. And I respect your right to do so.
I see faith as a crutch for people who are terrified of the unknown.
It is all a matter of perspective.
Quote: It is difficult to articulate.
I suspect that is because your unconscious sees the rationalizations for what they are. (Not being a wise-ass here -- and not being intentionally unkind -- just giving my opinion!)
Quote:But I just don't see the definition of faith as being something whittled down to "insistance". Do you not agree that faith is more than that?
I understand why you don't want to conceive of faith the way I see it.
No, I do not agree that faith is any more than bull-headedness -- no matter than those of you who want your guesses about reality to be accepted as truth -- insist that it is.