Science rarely, if ever, designs its research programs in response to what some minor religious group has on its mind. I think we all understand theCreatinist tack, to which I say "so what?"
I get a kick out of several things they say
"We dont see any transitional fossils"
Then when we find a new transitional fossil, the CReationsits then state that all weve done is create TWO more gaps in data.
Remember the Creationsits arguments are usually a cobbling together of as many unrelated areas as they can manage.
"Evolution violates the Laws of Thermodynamics"
"Several planets are retrograde in their orbits , therefore the solar system hadda be created by an intelligence"
Loss of the magnetic flux back calculates that the earth is only 6k years old.
If they do wrong headed calculations , then Im sure that their conflation is equally as dumb.
Lets give em a bone and say that some "Intelligence" actually caused all the chemistry to create life. Qe can see that, from fossil evidence, this life proceeded a;long from very very simple to more and more complex and then even takes diversions to go back to the siple every now and again (all seemingly in response to major environmental changes that are left as fossil evidence in the geologic record). Basically, even if some intelligence founded life, it appears that he or she gave up thereafter and let adaptational evolution take over. No?
Evolution is evidence based, Genesis is not (no matter if its bio opr abio-No evidence at all until life first appears) Its all discussion and arm waving.